Chapter 20

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"But...where are we gonna go, master?" Asked Lucario.

"Oh...we are going to..." Ash said.

"The forest, where we found you." Said Ash.

"T-To the F-Forest?! What if he's there?!" Asked Lucario.

They all start walking.

"By he....I'm guessing that you mean your previous trainer?" Said Ash.

"Y-Yes...he was not a good person...he u-used to h-hit m-me...a-and-" Lucario cries and gets cut off.

Ash hugs Lucario.

"Easy....He is not getting you...All of us are here and we wouldn't let him hurt you." Ash said calmly.

All of Ash's other Pokémon agree.

"Char!" Charizard nodded in agreement.

"Greninja!" Greninja nodded in agreement.

"Infernape!" Infernape nodded in agreement.

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded in agreement.

"Sceptile!" Sceptile nodded in agreement.

"Plus, you are really strong right have nothing to worry about." Exclaimed Ash.

"Th-Thank you..." Lucario said.

"No let's start." Said Ash.

They all get to the forest and start training.

"Good! Greninja, start using cut on those trees!


Pikachu, iron tail on the ground!


Infernape, use dig while dodging the rifts that Pikachu's Iron Tail creates!


Sceptile, Leaf blade on Charizard!


Charizard, defend yourself with Dragon Claw!


"Lucario, you come with me..." Ash said.

"Alright!" Lucario said.

"do you all understand?" Ash asked.

They all nod in agreement and Lucario follows Ash.

"So Master, What are we going to do?" Asked Lucario.

"Train...I saw a nice place for training... A lot of rocks there, so you could use your fighting type moves on and it's not too far away." Exclaimed Ash.

"Ah! I see!" Lucario exclaimed.

"Lucario, you know, Close Combat, Shadow Ball, and Brick Break, Right?" Asked Ash.

"That's right!" Exclaimed Lucario.

"You are forgetting Brick Break and you'll learn extreme speed...." Said Ash.

"I agree...we need some moves variety of moves." Lucario said.

"Mhm..Were see these rocks? Start Close Combat until you run out of PP" Ash said.

"Yes Master." Lucario said.

Time skip: 1 hour later....

"Master...I...Am...Out...Of....PP.." Said Lucario while panting.

"Impressive...Considering that Close Combat's PP is so low, you kept it for s long period of time." Exclaimed Ash.

"Thank you Master, I think it's now time for me to learn Extreme Speed." Said Lucario.

"Mhm...We will need someone fast enough to help to learn it...Hmm..." Ash said.

"OH! Greninja!" Ash exclaimed.

Greninja appears behind him.


"How is training going?" Asked Ash.

Greninja points to some cut trees and logs.


"Good, Now you should stop, we don't want to harm the habitat of this forest...Anyways, I was wondering if you could help Lucario learn Extreme Speed?" Asked Ash.

"Ninja!" Greninja nods in agreement.

Greninja looks at Lucario.

"Ninja, Gren Ninja...."

Lucario nods.

"I will go check on the others, I'll come back in an hour or so..." Ash said as he left to check on the others.

When Ash gets to the others.

"Hey guys, how's training going?" Asked Ash.

Pikachu runs to Ash.

"Pi! Pika Pi Pika!"

"Glad that you're doing great...We have to be in tip top shape against Giovanni...We can't afford to loose." Exclaimed Ash.

Pikachu nods in agreement.

"Pi Pika Chu!" Pikachu said while fist-bumping in the air.

Ash chuckles.

"Alright...I think I will run though the first...Be back in a few, if I take too long, Charizard, come and find me, ok?" Said Ash.

Charizard nods in agreement.


"Good, see ya in a few." Ash said while he walked away.

With Ash jogging through the forest.

Something shiny catches Ash's eye.

"Huh?" Ash said.

"What's that?" Ash asked.

Ash moves closer.

"No that a...." Ash said.

To Be Continued.....

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