Chapter 5

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"Aaron! You did a good job out there!" Exclaimed ???

"Huh?...Oh thanks Serena." Ash/Aaron said.

"Just telling the truth....Soooooo....." Serena said.

"So what?" Asked Ash/Aaron.

"I wanted to yo-you to hangout." Nervously said Serena.

[Ash/Aaron's POV]

"Is she seriously falling for another guy?! Well it's technically me, but still....she doesn't know....Oh...
for fucks stuff is complicated-" Ash/Aaron gets cut off.

[End Of Ash/Aaron's POV]

"Earth to Aaron....It's ok to say n-" Serena got cut off.

"Huh? Oh sorry....I spaced out....Serena I would love to, but...." Ash/Aaron said.

"But what?" Serena asked.

"I have to meet Gary now, maybe tomorrow?" Ash/Aaron said.

"Yeah, that's ok with me!" Serena exclaimed.

"Good...It will be tomorrow after I win my battle." Said Ash/Aaron.

"How do you know that you'll win?" Asked Serena.

"Just a feeling...." Ash/Aaron said while walking off.

"He sure is determined to win...." Serena said.

"Ju-Just like A-Ash...." Serena said.

"Wh-Why did he have to....d-d-d.....I can't even s-say the w-word.....and why does Aaron remind me so mu-much of A-Ash....." Serena sobs.

"Hey Serena? Why are you in the tunnel to the way of the battlefield? And most importantly, why are you crying?" Asked Max in a worried tone.

"I-I...I'm not c-crying...." Serena croaked.

"Yeah right! Now tell me what's wrong!" Max exclaimed.

".............." Serena stays silent.

"It's about Ash again....isn't it?" Max said.

"N....Yes....It is....about Ash..." Serena said.

"Look...I miss him too....Ash wasn't just a friend to me...he was my idol...too bad that he wasn't able to keep that promise he mad when we parted ways back in Hoenn, but...." Max exclaimed.

"BUT WHAT MAX?! He was your idol and that's great...but for me....he was my childhood friend, my inspiration....He was-" Serena sobbed and got cut off.

"Look Serena, As much as I want to bring him back, we are not able to...Please...he wouldn't like it if you were please stay strong for him....Do you remember what he always used?" Max said.

"Don't give up until it's over...." Exclaimed Serena.

"Max you're right! Ash wouldn't like to see me like this! Thank you! Sometimes you are really mature, but only sometimes." Serena said happily.

"Yeah...I can be that too...But Serena, I have to go, my battle starts in...." Max said while looking at his watch.

Max gasps.

"ONE MINUTE!? BYE SERENA!!! LATER!!!" Max yelled as he ran to the battlefield.

"Bye Max...and thanks! Now let's get ready for tomorrow...." Serena says while she goes to her room.

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