Chapter Seven: To Castle Krakenburg!

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"Alright! We are heading back to Castle Krakenburg!"

Corrin's voice rang through to all of your allies, loving you orders. Castle Krakenburg? Was that a place in Nohr? You looked a tad Odin, who you were conversing to during the time prior to these orders. He just grinned and nodded. His eyes met yours and that grin fell. He mustn't have realized you never really made it that far into Nohr yet. The question you were about to ask confirmed this.

"What's Castle Krakenburg?"

Odin thought to himself for a moment. How does he really explain this to someone obviously not from Nohr nor Hoshido? Well, after his confirmation you weren't feeling Roman Nohr and didn't know what it really was he came to the conclusion you were from a country where they really don't have castles, ruling out Hoshido. Based on your robes, he would have to assume Izumo rather than Nestra.

"Why, the the Capitol of our great kingdom of darkness! We must report back to our king."

You nodded in understanding at Odin. He spoke a little more normally. That kind of gave you a small feeling of disappointed. You very much enjoy how poetic he sounds when he uses the big words and phrases of the darkness. It gives you more depth as Odin as not only a person, but as a character as well. You saw the group all regwthered once more, waiting on you and Odin to join them.

"Alright, yeah. To the capital then!"

You cheered optimistically, getting everyone else rallied up in turn. You're opri ism caused Felicia and Elise to be optimistic and those two just rub off on everybody, making everybody optimistic! Yay optimism! You looked over at Odin, who was silent. He didn't seem like the type to remain silent.

"Odin, are you alright?"

Odin flinched, meeting your eyes again with pink dusting in his cheeks yet again. He see,ed to have thst a little bit often. It worried you. Yet... at the same time it made your heart swell. That stupid misguided crush. Odin just smiled at you and started walkijg with the rest of the group. You froze for a moment before running to join Odin and your party.

To Castle Krakenburg!

367 Words

Author's Note:::

Hey guys! Evangeline Hisahoshi here! Sorry for the super short chapter and lack of frequent updates on this book. I'm suffering from writer's block a little bit. Later on this may be edited out of the chapter and I may add on more. Or I may not. I'm lazy.

But can you guys comment how many of you read this and enjoy it? Possibly feedback or a suggestion on what you want to happen next while they march back to Nohr to see King Garon? I'm stumped on this part and don't have any ideas for anything. Thus the short chapter.

Thanks and I love you all!


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