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Based off Taylor swift song

Third pov

Jungkook age in flashback 18

Namjoon age in flashback22

Jungkook and Namjoon were in college. The same college. But they don't know each other. Never even seen laid eyes other before, yet cross paths in the halls.

Namjoon was a popular, a very smart Honor's student whose only focus in his young life was education. Let's just say because of this he had to turn down quite a few girls over the years. Namjoon knew he wanted from this life, to work in the music industry. But for now he worked at the local diner waiting table's aiming to save up. thank

Jungkook your average skilled student. He tried to stay out of everyone's way and just get his degree and out of the hell hole called "college" his mom made him attend.

Jungkook adores his mother. She's the only reason he even attended college, he wanted to make her dreams for him come true, he wanted to prove himself to her, he simply wanted to make her happy. Jungkooks mother struggles with depression, he's do anything even if it made her just a little happier. After all she worked so hard for him to have a good childhood a single mother all because some dick of a father cheated on her and ran out leaving them. Jungkook remembers the aftermath of his dad leaving, his mother never left her room he spend hours out side her door begging her to drink some water or eat some food. After four days of isolation she left her room. the first thing she spoke to her son, dull look in her eyes as she slured words Jungkook will never forget.

"Don't ever bother with love Jungkook. It'll never last."

Jungkook never did bother with love believing it never would really last. But that all changed when Jungkook one day noticed a local diner advertise free Wi-Fi, and he really needs to catch up on his studies.

"Hello I am your waiter today names Namjoon how could I help you?" Namjoon said looking at his note pad.

Jungkook looked up from his book about to say something but his mouth quickly fell agape when he saw the man standing before him.

Namjoon noticed the silence so he looked up from his notepad about to ask again when his eyes caught the latter's and he swore he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen walk through the doors.

Jungkook noticed the waiter realized he was starting so he quickly looked down at his paper and ignored the blush creeping on his cheeks.

"C-can I have a caramel macchiato?" Jungkook said shyly looking up with a pink hue surrounding his chubby cheeks.

"Would that be all?" Namjoon said chuckling at the boys cuteness as jungkook nodded.

That day namjoon would continue to see the boys eyes on him. But he would be lying if he said he didn't sneak a peak as well.

For the next 2 weeks Jungkook would come at 1:20 every day over the weekend and always sit in Namjoons section. Each day they would talk, over the two weeks they learned small things about each other, like how they went to the same school, or each others favorite coffee.

But on the second week when jungkook went to go leave he noticed writing on the back of his receipt.

It would be nice to talk somewhere else besides here :)
Call me ×××××××× maybe we can hang out cutie ;)

Jungkook was quick to text that number that night and they decided to grab some coffee and walk around a near park.

After the day spent of laughs and such Namjoon asked if Jungkook would like to go on a actual date with him. "Yes yes, of course!" The younger said a little too excited. But then his face dropped like he was thinking.

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