💌set it down💌

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Sexual assault
Online pals
2k words

Jungkook was a Sophomore in highschool at a program for the arts (he majored in vocal) when he had finally forgotton his dumb past. When he finally found friends. When he finally felt good...

...when he was taken behind the lockers and sexually assaulted; forcefully kissed and grabbed in places he'd never want to be touched.

But Jungkook had a boyfriend. So when a girl saw this the whole school was quick to discover the news that Jungkook was a cheating slut. He cried for days. At home, at school, on the bus. He was always getting weird looks and he hated it.

Weeks into the incident, girls and guys who would talk to him and walk with him now pointed and laughed at him; disgusted by him. He only had a small group of people who didn't hate him. And soon enough his great gpa stared to drop.

It was that summer his closest friends left him. It was that summer he cut for the first time in two years. It was that summer he tried to take his life. It was that summer he found out how hard life really was as he sat alone in his room doing nothing all summer, no friends to see, nothing to do.

It was Junior year when he fell into a spiral of bitterness. By the second week of school all the freshman knew about him. Sure some people where over it but he still missed having more than 3 friends, missed not getting gross looks in the halls. He always laughed and tried his best to seem okay to the people who didn't hate him but no one knew how it was getting harder and harder to keep up the singing, the academics and his at home life.

By the time the second grades came out he had gone from a 3.5 gpa to a 2.4. He had no motivation to try. No motivation to write or sing. No motivation to call a old friend who didn't think he was a slut. So he stayed at home starving himself and drawing lines on his skin, tears on his cheeks from his father's mental abuse.

Jungkooks father had always been this way since middle School. He had been there to tell Jungkook he was fat, or a horrible person, or a cry baby who didn't deserve shit. Yet his dad could also be sweet and watch TV with him or take him out. And Jungkook almost hates this more because then he could never actually say ' I hate you' to his father when all he was doing was tearing the boy apart.

Jungkook started to feel numb, walking in the halls alone only with music in his ears, letting his father rip his heart open, let his best friends down and then let them walk All over him not telling them how much it hurt.

But one day his dad brought him over to his father's friends house, Ben. At the time  Bens 18 year old son had a couple of friends over (all male) which scared Jungkook. Jungkook sat in the living room alone as his father and Ben left the house. He heard voices coming down the hall and when he looked up he saw the group of boys walking over to him.

Jungkooks heart picked up in speed as he looked down at his phone hoping to ignore them. "Hey cutie mind giving me your Snapchat?" One of them asked and Jungkooks cheeks turned pink as he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Why do you want the twinks Snapchat." Ben's son Alex said causing Jungkook to flinch.

"He's just a ugly fag." Alex said laughing and high fiving his friend causing Jungkook to look down with glassy eyes before they all walked away.

"Hey I'm sorry about Alex I know he comes off as a dick and we'll he kinda is but he's not the worst." Jungkook heard someone say causing him to Jump since he thought everyone left.

"O-oh. It's okay." Jungkook said wipping at his eyes and forcing a smile as he looked at the handsome guy in front if him. "Names Taehyung." The blonde haired male said and Jungkook smiled. "Jungkook."  The smaller boy said and the older showed his box smile. "Heres my Snapchat... Text me sometimes."  Jungkook smiled at the action and looked as Taehyung walked away. But soon remebeing he didn't have Snapchat. "Wait!" Jungkook called and Taehyung turned around. "I don't have Snapchat." Jungkook said timidly. After Taehyung gave him his number and left soon Jungkooks dad returned and he left.

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