🖤🌃bitter sweet love🌃🖤

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dedicated to my best friend who i met on this very app. i love you sorry this high key sucks💜 _shookook

au set as if yk was born in usa
8900 words
angst happy ending
sexual assault ( national sexual assault hot line 1-800-656-4673 contact someone if your in need) it is not meant to me glorified i support in no way

Third pov

The smaller chestnut haired boy who was curled Into a broad chest fumbled around the bed, turning onto his side so his head now rested on the others chest. Being stuck in the world of feeling half awake half alseep he was brought out of his slumber; his thick eyelashes fluttering open while his slightly large nose brushed against the soft fabric that was ontop of a firm chest which was slowly rising and falling.

The small boy looked up to automatically meet the sharp eyes of his boyfriend, his boyfriend staring back; both equally awed at how beautiful the other looked. He smiled lazily and dug his face back into the warm chest of the elder seeking the warmth that the bitter cold airs of the frozen New York streets hid from the couple.

The warm yellow light seeped through the window and warmed up the boys frail chilly cheeks, the elder looking lovingly at his baby, as he dragged his ink covered hands in a slow motion through the boys fluffy hair. The younger pushing his head into the elders large palm just as a feline would.

The chestnut boy smiled as he felt a playful tug on his hair, looking up he stared dreamily at his lover his big stary eyes glittering making the blonde boys heart wrench in love and fondness. The elder smiled softly and tapped the higher part of his chest; leading the smaller to scoot up so his head was now placed ontop the blondes heart.

Two boys eyes soon met each other's sight. The way stars and hearts pop and glimmered in the smallers big eyes, while the others usual dull eyes were full of happiness just by the glance he took the the younger, if anyone were to see the young couple they would no doubt be able to see how deeply in love they are.

Suddenly a loud rumble and boom shot through the room and Jungkook rolled his eyes and dropped his head into Yoongis chest grumbling . The younger had almost forgotten his life wasn't a romantic movie, he had almost forgotten that he lived in a shitty New York apartment where the subway trains would constantly shake the small 3 roomed home, he had forgotten the AC barely worked. While being caught in his Boyfriends eyes he had forgotten how the two struggled and had been barely getting by.

"Dammit." Yoongi grumbled shoving the smaller off and jumping up out of bed. "Fucking late for work!" He yelled rushing over the the pile of dirty clothes and smelling them to make sure they didn't smell too bad (the young couple not being able to go to the laundromat this week so they could be able to buy Yoongi a new pair of socks) and quickly stripping and pulling his tight pants on. Jungkook snarled at the elder as he tucked his head into the fluffy covers, not wanting to leave the warmth of his bed.

"God fucking dammit stupid Android shit phone alarms never work." Yoongi grumbled running around and throwing his clothes on and grabbing his suppiles. Jungkook giggled at the noises the other was making he didn't even have to open his eyes to know Yoongi was running around like a chicken without a head.

After all the two knew each other pretty damn well. They had met Jungkooks freshman year of college while it was Yoongis last year. Jungkook was in for photography while Yoongi was in for music. They started off as friends after Yoongi saw the boy having a panic attack in a empty hall way and the tattoo sleeved man decided to help. They soon found out both of them were pretty fucked up, Jungkook suffering from severe anxiety and Yoongi having extreme anger issues.

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