⚠️safe word⚠️

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BDSM gone wrong
This is a request uwu

Third pov

Saliva dripped down Jungkooks chin, messily falling onto his sweaty bare body; a muffled moan leaving his lips as the large gag strapped to his head prevented any coherent words to leave his mouth. His toes curled and his tied up fist balled up, his back arched from the vibrating cock ring that was preventing him from Cumming, yet his boyfriend still teased his flush hole.

Jungkook and Taehyung had been together for seven months even though they had known each other for three years just as friends. Friends who where touchy and would get over jealous and protective. They soon found out each other's feelings and came together.

When they first had sex about five months into the relationship, Jungkook knew prior that Taehyung was into some crazy stuff. But he never thought his friend of two years was a BDSM freak. He remembers when Taehyung told him he liked it rough. And how every time they had sex it would get more and more kinky.

Jungkook had always liked it, he liked feeling dominated and like his boyfriend could do anything to him and make him feel so good. But the last three times the sex had gotton out of hand. Taehyung had been going more rough and being more intense during sex, Jungkook was starting to wonder if Taehyung would only ever want to fuck him in this crazy way, he started to worry he would never want to make love with him. But he never said anything becauase he knew how much Taehyung loved it.

But tonight. Jungkook had never seen Taehyung go that far down the intense BDSM, it was his second him with a gag during sex but this one was much larger. Taehyung was so far into Dom space as he had the boy who was laying on his stomach tied up and gaged, biting his skin, watching as some bites left little drops of blood and hardly slapping the boys ass and thighs.

Jungkook threw his head down choking on the ball in his mouth as Taehyung turned up the vibrations. "How can one make that much noise with a gag that big in their mouth." Taehyung said taking a handful of the youngers hair and pulling the boy up by his brown fluffy strands, Jungkooks eyes closing tight from the pain his poor scalp was going through. "Fucking slut can't even keep quite." He spoke as Jungkook started to feel uneasy. He didn't like feeling like he meant nothing to his boyfriend he didn't like the pain that brought tears to his eyes. But the poor boy was thrown out of this thoughts when Taehyung dropped the boy back down and  brought his large hand to smack against Jungkooks ass making the younger let out a muffled scream.

The small boy was flipped around and Taehyung saw the boys teary eyes and saw how he was looking at Taehyung with desperation, the elder took it as a look of Jungkook wanted to be fucked already, not that he hoped Taehyung would go more easy. Jungkook internally begged he would turn off the vibrations that made his cock ache in pain, pleasure long gone from the boy, he hoped Taehyung would stop with the degrading and kiss him. But he knew what was coming. Beacuse every night before they have sex Taehyung tells Jungkook what he has planned and makes sure Jungkook is okay with it. Even if the younger is scared he almost always says yes because he knows the elder won't actually hurt him, plus they have a safe word. But tonight he is regretting saying yes since he knows what is to come.

Maybe it was beacuse Jungkook had. A bad day at work, maybe it was beacuse he was craving to be heald since him and his best friend where in a fight. Who knows what, but for what ever reason tonight non of the things Taehyung was doing felt good. Sure his body reacted good to the vibrations and the way the elders hands roamed his body, but nothing made him himself feel good.

Taehyung had stood up and walked to one of his boxes and pulling out a dildo almost as big as his own and Jungkook dreaded what was coming. He didn't want some piece of rubber to abuse his hole, he wanted his lover to make love to him. Any other night he'd probably be excited for this but tonight it had gone to far to quick.

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