🔽horny bun🔽

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Bunny hybrid jungkook

Jungkook was horny.

And hungry.

Jungkook had been waiting all day for his daddy to come home. The small bunny had even cleaned the house and gotton all pretty for this lover.

The bunny boy had put on short pastel blue cotton shorts on along with a almost see through V neck T-shirt. Not forgetting to apply the littlest amount of concleler and pink lip tint.

The bunny sat there on the couch with the light turned down as the time neared when his boyfriend would get home.

But as time went by the bunnys eyes got heavy and his long fluffy white bunny ears started to droop over his pretty face as he fell back onto the couch; eyes shut and small breaths coming from his parted pink lips.

When Jimin walked through the door only fifteen minutes later and saw his baby bunny like that he smiled fondly and scooped the small bunny hybrid up bringing him to their shared bed cooing as the bunny snuggled closer; nose twiching in his sleep.

Within an hour the two lovers where asleep in the bed Jimins arms that where originally wrapped around the bunnys small waist now sprawled over the bed. As always Jimin was a very active sleeper. He always moved around and kicked and shoved unless Jungkook was snuggled into his chest.

But tonight he wasn't so when Jimins hand slapped Jungkooks tummy the small bunny yelped and jumped up, falling off the bed.

He looked around ears perking up and a pout present on his lips as tears glistened in the corners of his eyes that is until he remembered how he had fallen asleep therefore his plan was spoiled.

Then his eyes watered more as he lightly whined in frustration as he had loss his chance to have fun with Jimin.

His jutted put lips quickly formed into a O shape as he gasped when an idea came to mind. He giggled quietly as he picked himself up off the ground and crawled back onto the bed.

His pretty smooth legs taking carful shuffles to reach his hyung who was sleeping in boxers and a white shirt.

Jungkook knew Jimin was a heavy sleeper. He knew it took effort to wake him up. This went right along with the hybrids plan.

He pulled the blanket off the older and crawled up so his face was hovering over the olders as he leaned in to give Jimin a small peck.

"Hyungie?" He said to no avail.

After landing a few more kisses but not getting anything in response he huffed crossing his arms and falling back.

The small bunny had a light bulb go off in his mind as he gasped and sat up, smirk present on his face as he crawled twords Jimin.

Jungkook neared the olders hips starring at the olders boxers as he got close enough he gently pulled them down so that Jimins soft length was on display.

Jungkook giggled as he positioned himself between the olders legs, looking up at his boyfriend he reached his hand to stroke the soft member, watching it twitch.

As the bunny coninued to stroke Jimins hardening member Jimin groaned in his sleep causing the younger to giggle.

The bunny boy dragged his finger from the top, down the vainy member to the base before gripping it as the older inhailed sharply, yet still asleep.

"Hyungies not waking up." Jungkook said with his lips in a pout.

"Guess I can start without hyungie." He said before lowering his head so his lips where in contact with the hard tip of Jimins cock, the youngers lips parting as he lowered himself on his hyungs hard on, gaging when it hit the back of his throat.

As the younger bobbed his head, choking on the cock the olders groans slowly stopped as his eyes opened, with his lips parted.

"A-ah fuck bunny." He mumbled lifting his head to see the younger sucking away and looking up at himself before groaning.

Jungkook lifted his head up, releasing the olders cock with a 'pop'  "Are you awake now?" Jungkook asked innocently with his doe eyes and cute bunny nose twiching.

"F-fuck Jungkook." Jimin moaned propping himself up before grabbing the bunnys brown hair and thrusting into the bunnys mouth enjoying the feeling of Jungkook gaging around his cock.

"Fuck baby." He groans gripping the bunnys hair roughly well thrusting into the boys mouth, the younger helping by bobbing his head to the rhythm of his Hyung.

Jungkook moaned, sending vibrations through Jimin, causing the older to groan and look down at the bunny who's ears where bouncing well his eyes had tears sparkling in the corner from being choked.

But even though the bunny had tears in his eyes he loved the feeling of Jimins cock thrusting in and out of his mouth, choking him, making it hard for him to breath as the large member slammed against his throat making him gag well he hallowed out his cheeks and bobbed his head faster feeling Jimins member twitch and the olders body tense up.

The younger knew his Hyung was close so he picked up his pace, gaging and moaning around the cock in his mouth causing Jimins hips to buck up as he moaned, his orgasm hitting him as he exploded into the youngers mouth, falling back on to the bed panting.

Jungkook removed himself from the softened cock and crawled up to his hyung, making sure to swallow every drop before seating himself on his hyungs bare hip.

"Now kookie what made you do that?" Jimins asked reached up to pet the youngers fluffy hair, the bunny leaning into the touch.

"I wanted hyungie, bunny was horny but fell asleep." Jungkook said pouting we'll talking in third person, knowing the innocent act turned Jimin on.

"So you though it would be okay to wake hyung up like that?" Jimin asked gripping the bunnys hips.

Jungkook smirked and leaned down so his lips where inches away from Jimins plump ones.

"Maybe I deserve punishment.." Jungkook whispered sexily as he started to rock his hips on Jimins bare body.

Jimin smirked and connected their lips into a rough kiss.

"Get on your knees." He whispered


How would u guys feel about  a hybrid book on its own? I love hybrid stuff but I'm super insucure to hate hate on it... And I have a draft...


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