🥀baby mafia pt1🥀

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Jimin mafia leader au
Jimin switch/power bottom
Namjoon top
Jungkook bottom (ofc)
Angst+fluff+smut (for all parts not just this one)

Third pov

"Is he dead?" The blonde hair male asked sitting in this chair hands folded over his leather pants.

"N-no Mr. Park h-he escaped." The trembling male said.

"And how did he escape?" Mr Park asked staring at his trembling employee.

"He just got out before we could shoot, sir." The male said looking down.

"Oh? So should I kill you instead?" The blonde said slightly bending over and grabbing a gun, stroking the black object.

"N-no sir p-please."

The blonde raised the gun and pointed it at the trembling male in front of him. Just as he was about to shoot the innocent person in front of him his phone rang.

The blonde rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone but the scary scowl on his face soon changed to a small eye smile.

"Leave my sights you're lucky this time." The blonde said setting the gun down and reaching for his phone as the guy who almost just got shot was running out.

The blonde picked up his phone and answered it with a smile, "Hey baby boy are you okay precious?" Jimin smiled as he heard his baby giggle on the other line.

"Yesh! I-i just anted to tawk to dada!" Jungkook said and Jimin automatically noticed his baby was in his head space.

"Baby are you home alone. Joonie isn't with you, are the body guards still home?" Jimin asked worried since his baby may be home a lone and that could be dangerous. Lord knows how many enemies he has never mind the boy could hurt himself.

"Yesh! Daddy wif kookie! Body gad no hewr." Jungkook said through the line making Jimin relax. "Okay good baby." Jimin said sitting back down. He was ready to run to get his baby to safety.

"I mish dada, dada comes ome nows? See kookie? Pway wif kookie?" Jungkook said and Jimin frowned. "I'm sorry baby dadas busy at work. Maybe in couple days I can-" Jimin got cut off by small sniffles.

"Dada no wan kookie?" Jungkook asked and Jimin could practically see the tears streaming down his face.

"No baby of course not dadas just busy I'll come see you as soon as I can i- " once again Jimin was cut off but this time with loud wails. He heard Jungkook sob through the phone "dada!" Jungkook cried and Jimin sighed pulling his hand through his hair.

Before he could say anything he heard another voice through the phone comforting kookie then taking the phone. "What did you say babe he was in such a good mood." I hear Namjoon say and I roll my eyes. "Fuck you I didn't say anything he misses me, sick of your ass.''

I hear Namjoon chuckle. "Okay babe what ever you say. You should come home just for tonight." He says and I sigh frustrated.

"I'm not sure... I just..." I look down at my desk and see a picture of me Namjoon and Jungkook at the Beach. "Fine. Don't tell kookie though I want him to be suprised."

"Baby please don't cry you know dada loves you. He's just busy." Namjoon says holding Jungkook in his lap.

Jungkook sniffled and looked up at Namjoon "Den why dada no home evers onwy daddy." Jungkook said with glassy eyes and Namjoons heart hurt so he couldn't even imagine how Jimin would feel if he heard that.

"Baby dada has to work so you and me can live in this nice house and be happy." Namjoon said and Jungkook shook his head.

"No kookie happy onwy when dada and daddy ish here." Jungkook said and Namjoon smiled kissing his forehead. " My little kookie so sweet, come on let's go get dressed for bed." Namjoon said and he and Jungkook did just that.

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