Halloween special 🎃

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Not proofread & shitty

"yoonie you'll be home for Halloween right?" Jungkook said over the phone.

"Yes of course baby how could I miss our favorite holiday and anniversary."

Yes Yoongi first asked Jungkook two years ago on Halloween. He knew it was Jungkooks favorite holiday and from that year the past twos Halloweens where spent with scary movies and making pumpkin cupcakes.

But this year Yoongi went to the military.

But he promised his baby he'd try to be home for their special day.

"Ok Yoongi. I miss you." Jungkook said softly.

"Yeah me too. Look baby I have to go now I'll keep you updated on when I can come home." Yoongi said frowning on the other line knowing he was gonna miss his baby's voice.

"Okay love you stay safe." Jungkook said, Yoongi saying it back before hanging up.

A month later, 5 days before Halloween.

"Hyungie!!! I'm so excited to see you!!" Jungkook squealed like a fan girl over the phone.

Jungkook heard Yoongi sigh sadly automatically making him worry. "Yoongi what is it?"

"I'm sorry baby I can't make it they changed their minds they need me here. I'm so so sorry." Yoongi said sympathetically tearing up on the other side.

The youngers eyes started to water; he hasn't seen his older boyfriend in months.

"O-oh..." Jungkook said not knowing what to say.

"I'm gonna go hyung I-i love you." Jungkook said trying not to cry, he would never want to make his hyung feel bad.

"Okay baby love you too."

Once the sound of the beep rang through Jungkooks ears he imidetly started to cry.

He missed his boyfriend so so much and he hated this. He didn't know how much longer he could do this.


Jungkook sighed sadly as he took the cupcakes he had made alone out of the oven.

He was a little sad since not only his boyfriend wasn't here but he wasn't picking up the phone even though he'd called multiple times.

Jungkook to distract himself from being lonely on his special day had been decorating his house and had made multiple batches of Halloween sweets.

He looked out side and noticed it was getting dark so decided to grab his candy bowl and place it by the door but he was Inturupted by the ringing of his phone.

And being hopeful he ran over thinking it may be Yoongi calling him.

But sadly he saw Hoseoks name pop up. He sighed before answering.

"Hey hyu-"

''Jungkook!? You need to come over right now Yoongi was in an accident we need to drive to base!" Hoseok said frantically.

Jungkook felt his heart drop and a heavy lump fill his throat.

"I-im on my way." Jungkook said hanging up and running out the door and to his car, getting in it and driving way to fast to Hoseoks house.

"Please be okay." Jungkook said with teary eyes.
Once he arrived he ran to Hoseoks door and started banging on it.

"Hyung! Open up we have to go!" He called out in a panic.

He heard footsteps on the other side and the locks being un clicked as he stood their shaking.

When the door opened he was ready to run in but when he looked up instead of seeing Hoseok open the door it was his short pale hyung.


Jungkook froze in his spot for a second and stared at that gummy smile before launching himself into his boyfriends arms.

"Y-y-yoongi!!" Jungkook cried in his boyfriends arms; tears soaking the olders white shirt.

Yoongi tightly hugged back running his hands through his baby's hair.

"Baby I missed you so so much." Yoongi said pulling away only to be yanked back into a bone crushing hug from his still crying happy tears boyfriend.

"Y-yoonie! You ass hole!!!" Jungkook said still emerged in the olders arms.

Yoongi chuckled, "I'm sorry I told  Hoseok to make it seem like I was just sick or something or to just come over and keep him company but noo he had to scare my baby." Yoongi said slowly rocking Jungkook who was still sniffling back and forth.

Yoongi once again tried to pull away from the hug but Jungkook under any circumstances would not let go.

"Baby you gonna let go?" Yoongi asked with a fond smile present on his lips.

Jungkook buried his head deeper into his Hyungs neck and shook his head causing Yoongi to chuckle and slightly bend down to pick Jungkook up and walk him to the couch.

"Baby come on I'm not going anywhere." Yoongi said and finally Jungkook let go now straddling Yoongis lap.

"Ahhh theirs my pretty baby." Yoongi said well Jungkook slightly flushed.

"How long are you staying?" Jungkook said well tracing his finger on Yoongis hand vains.

"Tonight and tommorow then I have to go back till next month which is my last month baby." Yoongi said causing Jungkooks bottom lip to stick out in a form of a pout well he looked up with his doe eyes.

"Yah don't pout baby that's gonna hurt  hyungs feelings and make me feel bad." Yoongi said leaning in to kiss the pout away kissing Jungkooks cute button nose then his red puffy cheeks right down to the corner of the now giggling boys lips.

As Yoongi coninued to kiss every where exept the youngers lips Jungkook pointed at his lips. "What about here?"  Jungkook asked with wide begging eyes.

Yoongi smiled and slowly leaned in for a kiss on the lips and just as Jungkook closed his eyes preparing for the contact Yoongi moved and kissed the boys chin before pulling away.

"Hyunggg!" Jungkook whined.

"What I didnt do anything." Yoongi said acting inccocnt well Jungkooks eyebrows arched with anger and he wrapped his arms around the olders neck and pulled him down with all his body weight causing both of them to fall off the couch.

Yoongi ended up falling back first, Jungkook falling on top of his chest both of them giggling and laughing.

Yoongi took hold of Jungkooks cheeks and pulled him down for a short loving kiss, their lips moving synchronized together.

Jungkook slowly pulled away a small smile on his lips. "I missed you." He said softly.

Yoongi gave a sad smile, "Me too." Before Jungkook could say anything else the older flipped them so he was now on top and soon started to tickle the small boy under him causing lots of loud laughs emit from the boy.

The rest of the night was spent with cuddles kisses and scary movies.

Jungkook couldn't be happier.

Neither could Yoongi.


Yoonlool won the vote hnggGgG happy Halloween! Also expected another Halloween special later tonight:)
The other one will be better sorry I was rushed❤️

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