12: Date!

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"Brother! You embarrassed me in front of my new friends." Nalia was only a little bit annoyed at her brother but she didn't want to let him get away with being rude.

"Friends? You mean that guy. Don't trust people in a game so easy Nalia."

"What trust?" She rolls her eyes at her overprotective brother. "We did some quests. Not like I invited him over to our house." Nalia sighs loudly. "I am also friends with the NPCs, Tilly and Rinai."

"The NPCs?" He looked at her like she'd lost her mind.

"Yeah, they are really interesting. Check out the bracers Tilly made for me." She pulled him over to her computer where the game was still in standby mode and pulled up her character display.

"There isn't a blacksmith in starter village and the weapon shop has very low-level stuff. How did you get these?" He had taken over the controls to get a better look.

"I told you, from my friend Tilly. She has her own forge. Blacksmithing is her hobby." Nalia stated proudly. Her new friends are great and she wants her brother to think so too.

"Her hobby? What nonsense has that guy been feeding you?"

"You're such a pessimist." She waves her hands at him dismissively. "Look at all my vids of starter village. It's really amazing how the NPCs actually are when you pay attention." 

Her brother went from being determined to expose the trick to being impressed. Soon the two were laughing about the museum. 

"You have to take me around that place next time sis. I want to meet these NPCs myself."


After Nalia had logged off,  Afira was thinking about what her brother had said. 

A date. 

I want to have one. He thought as he looked at Rinai. What could I ask him to do though? Maybe I should log off and look up popular date locations in Dawn of Reason. 

Afira was lost in these sort of thoughts and at the same time so was Rinai.

They both reached a decision, turned to each other and simultaneously started talking.

"Afira, would you-"

"Rinai, I'll-"

"Ah sorry, sorry go ahead," Afira said.

"Afira, if you have time I'd like to take you somewhere." 

Rinai looked so determined and serious Afira immediately agreed thinking Rinai had something very important. I can plan a date later, he decided and followed Rinai out of the tavern.

Rinai casually took Afira's hand in his own and lead the way to an area of starter village Afira had never noticed before. 

This was like turning down an alleyway and discovering a previously unknown world. Afira felt like he'd been spirited away at this moment as he gazed around in dumbfounded wonder.  

The soft golden light of sunset lit the area.  A wide, intricately designed stone footpath stretched out far in front of them, edged with shops and stalls. Brightly colored paper lanterns hung from small, ornate ginkgo trees lining each side of the street. 

How can there be any place in Starter Village that I have never seen? Afira wondered somewhat shocked. "This..is it newly added in a recent update?"

Rinai shook his head slightly. "No, only NPC's can notice the entrance."

I see. So that's why he held my hand. Though he's still holding it, not that I mind. A faint blush colored Afira's cheeks.

"Welcome to the NPC district. If you'd be ok with it, I'd like to take you to a particular shop first and buy a set of district clothes to change into," Rinai said.

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