Dangerous Consequences

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"You take disgusting to a whole new level bro." Raph commented with a sick face as he watched Mikey devour the repulsive pizza.

"Haha, your loss bros, it's delicious!" Mikey laughed as he licked his fingers and smacked his lips proudly.

He had just created his own pizza with anchovies, hot sauce and a cheesesicle, as well as other um interesting ingredients It was delicious to him!

"If he gets food poisoning, I'm not cleaning up any puke!" Raph whispered to Donnie who snickered.

However, a day later that's exactly what happened to the youngest of the turtle brothers.

Mikey woke up with a groan as a painful cramp shot through his plastron where his stomach was. He whimpered and staggered out of bed into the living room.

"G-Guys?" Mikey mumbled as he clutched his shell, feeling purely awful and sick.

"Jeez Mike, what happened to you?" Leo asked once he saw a sick-looking Mikey in the doorway.

"I don't feel good!" Mikey whined as he flopped on the couch with a moan. Raph instinctively moved

"It was probably that disgusting pizza you ate yesterday Mikey, I told you not to eat it!" He said loudly.

Mikey simply whimpered in response, not feeling like talking or being lectured at the moment.

Donnie sighed and felt Mikey's forehead, immediately pulling his hand away. "Mikey, your burning up!" He gasped.

"Ugh, I guess you were right Raph, but that pizza was delicious for your information!" Mikey replied with a faint grin.

Donnie wordlessly grabbed the thermometer from his lab and slipped it into Mikey's mouth. He waited into it beeped.

"You've got a pretty increased temperature Mikey, the degrees are way over the top to be considered normal!" Donnie said.

"Um, wa?" Mikey asked in confusion as he never understood when Donnie used science to talk.

Donnie rolled his eyes. "You have a fever of 103° Mikey, it was probably that pizza."

"Ugh, no wonder I feel so awful, can I have some medicine or something?" Mikey begged.

"Sorry Mikey, but that's not such a good idea because we don't know how sick you are." Donnie replied.

Mikey pouted childishly. "But I'm siiiick." He moaned dramatically, curling into a ball.

He suddenly clamped a hand over his mouth, feeling like he was about to puke. He ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Mikey?" Leo called in worried. "Mikey, you ok?" He pounded on the door anxiously.

He could hear Mikey retching into the toilet for about 5 minutes before staggering out.

Mikey was very pale and weak when Leo saw him. "Mikey, you need to go lie down." He commanded.

"T-Too dizzy, help me." Mikey begged as he felt the room spinning rapidly over and over again.

Leo grabbed his little brother's arm firm enough to grip him but not enough to hurt him. He carefully led him to his room.

"Ugh, make the room stop spinning Leo, it's hurting my stomach more." Mikey moaned.

Leo sighed softly. He knew he should have stopped Mikey from eating that pizza, but he didn't know it would make the youngest so sick.

"It's ok Mikey, just try and rest, I'll have Donnie give you a check up in a few minutes." Leo said gently.

"Ok." Mikey mumbled as he clutched his plastron in pain. Maybe eating that pizza wasn't such a good idea...

Leo set an old bowl at Mikey's side and promptly left the room to get Donnie. The purple-masked brother walked in a few minutes later with a small kit in his hand.

"How are you feeling little brother?" He asked sympathetically once he saw how sick Mikey actually looked.

"Like I got hit by a bus, I really don't feel good." Mikey whimpered as he threw up in the bowl while Donnie rubbed his shell soothingly.

"I don't think it's food poisoning as it would have struck soon after you ate the pizza, not a day after consumption."

"It sure feels like it, what else could it be?" Mikey groaned as he wiped his sweaty forehead.

"I'm not sure, but I'm 99.9% sure it has something to do with the pizza." Donnie replied.

Mikey nodded sadly. "I know, I shouldn't have eaten it, but it was sooo good!" He frowned.

Donnie almost gagged in disgust. "You eat anything Mikey, but I hate to say I told you so."

Mikey could barely keep his eyes open any longer, he suddenly felt extremely tired. "'I'm tired, can I sleep D?" Mikey asked weakly.

"Yeah, if you need anything just call one of us, ok?" Donnie said gently. "We're gonna take care of you."

Mikey nodded as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Donnie quietly left the room and headed to the living room.

"How is he?" Leo asked. "He's sleeping, he's really tired and he threw up again." Donnie answered.

"I knew he'd get sick, I just knew it!" Raph announced gruffly. "That pizza was rancid!"

Donnie nodded. "He's pretty sick, but I don't think it's food poisoning because it would have struck earlier."

"What is going on in here?" Splinter asked as he walked in looking a little confused.

"Mikey's sick sensei, he ate a bad pizza last night and now he's asleep, he has a high fever and he threw up a few times."

Splinter stroked his goat-tee in concern. "I thought the pizza shops were closed, where on earth did you get pizza?"

"Mikey made his own with some disgusting ingredients, and ate the entire thing so we think that's what made him so sick."

"So it was something in the pizza that made him sick?" Splinter asked. Donnie nodded.

"Yes, when he wakes up I'll have to find out exactly what he put in it, I just hope he remembers." Donnie sighed.

Splinter nodded with a small smile. "Do not worry much my sons, your otouto is very strong, he will be recover in no time."

The older brothers nodded. "Hai sensei, we'll be sure to take care of him." Raph added with a grin.

The wise old rat patted his sons on the head as he trotted to the dojo for his morning meditation.

The turtle brothers exchanged glances at each other as they looked to you direction of Mikey's room.

"Come on guys, let's go find out what Mikey put in that pizza." Donnie said with a small smile.

"We're gonna take care of ya."

A/N: Hey readers! Mikey is really sick! But what exactly did he put into that pizza? Can the brothers find out or will Mikey tell them? Stay tuned to chapter 2 to find out!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey readers! Mikey is really sick! But what exactly did he put into that pizza? Can the brothers find out or will Mikey tell them? Stay tuned to chapter 2 to find out!

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