"Who Did It?"

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"Shhhh, it's ok otouto, just go to sleep, we're right here." Leo said soothingly as he wrapped Mikey in his arms.

"Mikey whimpered. "But, I'm scared." He whispered in fear. He'd been having more and more nightmares as well due to the sickness.

"Don't be scared little brother, we're going to stay with you, everything will be ok." Raph said, patting Mikey's head.

"Ok, love you bros." Mikey nodded as he fell asleep on Leo, snuggling into his plastron. All was calm for a few hours.

The brothers were snuggling with Mikey, who was pale and sickly. Leo was holding an ice pack to the young turtles feverish head.

He just seemed to be getting worse, which was supposed to happen unfortunately....it was horrible watching him deteriorate so rapidly.

He was throwing up non stop and his stomach was killing him-literally. It hurt so bad, he was scared to move sometimes.

It was hard on the brothers too, of course. Watching Mikey go through that was heartbreaking and they hated seeing him suffer so much.

But in all honesty, there was nothing they could do. The only thing they could do was comfort him like they'd been doing for the past day and a half.

Donnie noticed Mikey was starting to get more thin too, since he'd barely been eating and throwing up so much had let to him becoming thinner.

"I might have to put a feeding tube in him, since he might not be able to eat without getting sick, but we can try later to see if he can keep anything down."

Leo nodded and checked Mikey's temperature. 102.4. High, but not too high that it was dangerous. It was much higher earlier.

"I feel so useless just sitting here, I wish there was something we could do to lessen his pain and agony." Raph said glumly.

"So do I Raph, but the only thing we can do is just be with him and comfort him...like we've been doing." Leo replied with a smile.

It was quiet for a while before Raph suddenly spoke again, asking the question that had somehow slipped their minds.

"Hey guys...why the shell do we have poison in the cabinet in the first place?" Raph asked quietly.

"I don't know....it's weird, because I checked the cabinets for spoiled food a few weeks ago and I never saw that can." Donnie replied.

"Wait....what if someone put it there on purpose? What if they planned all this?" Leo suggested, a bit fearfully.

"I would hope not but it's the only logical explanation....who could have put it there without us knowing though?" Raph murmured.

"Hard to say....we should look at the security cameras." Leo responded, stroking Mikey's head gently.

"We have security cameras?" Raph asked, his eyes widening. "I don't remember nothin' bout security cameras."

"Oh yeah...I forget we installed those last month when we couldn't figure out who was stealing our leftover pizza and it was just Mikey sleep walking."

Leo stayed with Mikey while Donnie and Raph looked at the security camera. They rewinded the footage and watched closely.

After a while, a few days before Mikey made the pizza, a figure snuck in somehow and placed the poison in the cabinet.

"Slow it down, that way we can see who it is." Raph advised. Donnie nodded and slowed down the tape. That re-watched it and gasped.


A/N: Hey readers....Shedder put the poison in the cabinet? Will the villian make an appearance? Will he reveal something the brothers don't know? Wait and see....

Shedder put the poison in the cabinet? Will the villian make an appearance? Will he reveal something the brothers don't know? Wait and see

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