"I Don't Wanna Die!"

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The three brothers headed to Mikey's room where he was quietly sleeping.

Donnie gently shook him to wake him up, but not to scare him. "Mikey, open your eyes for a moment." He whispered.

Mikey opened his tired baby blue eyes and yawned. "Yeah?" He asked sleepily, leaning his head back slowly.

"Mikey, can you remember what you put in the pizza?" Leo asked calmly. Mikey shook his head.

"Too tired to remember." He murmured, falling back to sleep. Leo gently took him by the shoulders.

"It's important Mikey, we don't know what you put in the pizza and we need to know so we can get you better, you want to feel better right?"

Mikey nodded, sitting up slowly and looking into his oldest brother's deep blue eyes.

"Um well, first I made the dough then I put some tomato sauce, then I added hot sauce, and marshmallows and a cheesecicle and a bunch of worms and dirt."

"Hmmm, that all sounds disgusting, but I guess it's all somewhat normal stuff, except the dirt." Raph said with a disgusted face.

Mikey giggled, despite his stomach killing him. "It was delicious!" He then groaned.

"Are you sure that's all you put in it Mikey?" Donnie asked. "Anything else at all?"

Mikey thought for a moment, biting his lip gently in concentration. "Oh yeah!" He shouted, remembering something.

"I um kinda found a can of powder in the way back of the cabinet and um sprinkled it all over the pizza." Mikey said nervously.

"Hmmm, do you remember what it said?" Donnie asked, hoping it wasn't something dangerous.

"Uh, funny story hehe, I um didn't look at the label, I just sprinkled it on, sorry." Mikey said with a whimper.

"Mikey, you can't be so careless, you really should have looked at before you put it in the pizza." Leo scolded.

Mikey hung his head. He messed up again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble."

Leo sighed and patted his little brother's carapace comfortingly. "It's fine Mikey, we still don't know what it is."

"What does the can look like?" Raph asked Mikey. "It's red with black it in some places." Mikey replied.

So, while Mikey stayed in bed, the older brothers scouted the kitchen for the strange can.
They found it on the floor leaking white powder.

"Huh, no wonder Mikey thought it was cheese, it looks just like parmasean." Leo said with a frown. It smelled awful.

He then looked at the label. When he saw it, he gasped and almost fell to the floor in shock.

"Oh no..." He murmured as tears filled his deep blue eyes. Raph and Donnie looked at him in confusion.

"What?" Donnie asked. "Leo, what's wrong, what does it say?" He asked, becoming worried.

"This is...Clygosima, it's an extremely dangerous poison!" Leo replied in a devestated tone.

"What?!" Donnie gasped. "Let me see it!" He ordered. He took the bottle and ran to his computer, looking up the side affects.

"Side affects are: severe stomach and muscle cramps, high fever, dizziness, seizures, coma and...death?!" Donnie yelped.

"D-Death?!" Raph echoed with wide eyes. "Mikey's gonna die?!" He shouted. Leo quickly shushed him.

"It says here that if ingested in a large quantity, the said consumer only has 72 hours to live before...." Donnie trailed off.

"Um can you please repeat that in words we can actually understand?" Raph grumbled.

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