Rising Temperature, Frigid Conditions

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Leo awoke feeling intense heat and immediately checked on Mikey. The young turtle literally had beads of sweat dripping down his face.

Leo gently touched Mikey's forehead and immediately pulled his hand back. Mikey was burning up!

"Donnie, wake up you need to take Mikey's temperature." Leo said as he woke the turtle sleeping near him.

"What's goin' on?" Raph asked as Donnie quickly grabbed the thermometer and ran back to the bed.

"Mikey has a super high fever, he literally burned my hand!" Leo replied, looking worriedly at Mikey.

Donnie took Mikey's temperature and immediately gasped. "Uh oh...his temperature jumped to 104°, we need to bring it down now."

That got everyone's attention. Leo and Raph gently picked up Mikey who was still in a deep sleep and filled it with cold, but not freezing water.

They then gently placed Mikey in. He instantly jumped up in shock. "W-What's going on? I'm freezing!"

He weakly tried to get up but Donnie gently held him down. "Sorry baby brother, but you need to stay there."

Mikey's baby blue eyes welled with tears as he shivers violently. "B-But I'm freezing!" He sniffled.

Raph sighed as he reached over and patted Mikey's feverish head. "Your fever jumped to 104 Mike, ya need to cool down."

Mikey sniffled. He still didn't like it because he was cold and he didn't want to be in here plus he was extremely weak still.

"I know it's cold but you only need to stay there a few more minutes, it's just to cool your fever." Donnie explained to the shaking turtle.

"Ok." Mikey said quietly. "My tummy still hurts a lot and I feel sick." He added as he clutched his plastron.

Leo sighed. That was definitely a side affect of the poison going into his system but there wasn't really anything they could do to help.

Leo just gently rubbed Mikey's feverish head, hoping to console him a little but it wasn't easy because Mikey was literally boiling.

After about 10 minutes, Donnie took Mikey's temperature again and was relieved to see it dropped slightly to 103° which was still kinda high.

"Well, it's at 103° now but it's still a little high, you can get out of the tub now though, Mikey." Donnie said.

Mikey smiled as Leo and Raph helped him back to his bed. "I'm s-still really cold." He shivered in his bed.

Leo gently pulled the heavy blanket off of Mikey. "It's because of the fever little brother, but you can't get too hot again or you'll need another bath."

Mikey sniffled, trying to keep warm with just the thin blanket wrapped around him. His teeth chattered violently as he shivered.

"Please R-Raphie, I want a-another blanket." Mikey whimpered, turning to his second oldest brother pleadingly, tears in his eyes.

"Oh Mikey...you've still got a high fever, you need to just use this blanket." He said soothingly.

Suddenly, he clapped a hand over his mouth and his eyes went wide as he was about to throw up again.

Donnie understood what was happening and quickly grabbed a bucket from underneath the bed and placed it in front of Mikey.

He wasted no time getting sick as Leo and Raph soothingly rubbed the back of his shell to console him while Donnie firmly held the bucket.

"It's ok otouto, we're right here." Donnie murmured to Mikey who whimpered continually until the feeling of sickness subsided.

"I hate this!" He finally sobbed, burying his face in his hands as his frail body wracked with pained cries.

It broke the older brother's hearts to see the usually happy turtle in so much pain but there wasn't much they could do.

So, they just wrapped him in a hug murmuring soothing words as Mikey struggled to keep from shivering. They could literally feel the heat on his skin as they hugged him.

"W-Why did I h-have to be so stupid?" Mikey wailed. "Why didn't I j-just read the label?! I deserve this..."

All the brothers looked at one another. There was no way Mikey deserved this. It wasn't fair at all.

"Mikey, you aren't stupid...what you did was foolish, yes but you don't deserve this." Leo said firmly.

"B-But I s-should have been more careful, I'm so c-cold and s-sick and I want to b-be better again!"

They sighed and resumed on hugging their sick baby brother. "It's going to be ok Mikey, it's gonna be ok."

Mikey was still freezing but not as bad as before. He snuggled closer to his onni-sans as he began to calm down.

"I love you big bros." He whispered as he hugged them tight. "We love you too otouto, and we always will." They said as they hugged him smiling.

"I know it's hard little brother, but we're not going anywhere... you're never going to die alone."


Meanwhile, Splinter was on his way to Japan to save his youngest son who he knew was slowly entering death's clutches.

He didn't have much time left, but he wasn't giving up. His little Mikey needed him...and that antidote.

He was going to get it no matter what.

Even if it killed him...

A/N: Hey readers! Yikes! Mikey's getting worse by the moment...can Splinter get the antidote in time? Luckily Mikey isn't alone...

can Splinter get the antidote in time? Luckily Mikey isn't alone

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The pic above is another cute bro fluff moment! Awww!

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Thx Enjoy!😘😍


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