The Shock

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The match was two days away and I had everything between my fingers, from strategy to tactics. All that was left was some background history.

I knew how to make Shuhei help me out without him realising it. He was one of the student council members, despite being a first year - maybe that was why I was interested in him, or perhaps it was his history with vampires.

We sneaked into the office and started scrutinizing the computer, glancing through the files and reports.

"Why,exactly, are you doing this Mikuni senpai?", I heard Shuhei at the gate, doing his guard duty.

"Because I don't want to lose. I need to know his style", I replied.

"Isn't it too late for you to be doing this... generally, you already know about your opponent before challenging him.. it's not like you to do things this way."

What he said was true, [F/N] said the same thing, but I had no answer to that. I know it's not like me to walk in a lion's den without any weapons. But, whenever she is involved, I am not like me at all.

I did not know what these feelings were. For all I knew, they get intensified every time I am with her. Is it love?

I pushed those thoughts aside for now and scanned every last bit of information I could lay my hands on.

Suddenly, my eyes landed and got glued to a certain headline of a report never published, for it had a certain controversial name: 'Kageyama Shu caught cheating. '

I read the whole report about how he threatened his opponent with the name of 'ALICEIN '!!!

I forgot how to head span like a rollercoaster. I couldn't decipher what it meant. How How can he use my name so casually? He isn't even related to us... Who is he, anyway?

I tried searching for answers to find none. His name haunted me.

A letter arrived in the night before the decisive day. As if the past events weren't unnerving enough, Kageyama moved further.

'[F/N] is with me. If you lose, she dies,' was the gist of the honey- coated letter.

Just what should I do now? And that is why I don't like to act before thinking.

Kageyama Shu.....


[And here is another chapter.. ~

You are kidnapped and Mikuni is stressed. Just who is this Kageyama Shu??

It is said that you get stronger when you overcome great obstacles. Will Mikuni be able to do it? Will he be able to save you from the devil? ]

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