The Past

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The sky was shadowy grey, with hints of a downpour on it's way. [F/N] sighed to herself as she glanced out of the window, hoping that the clouds would go away.

It was the day when her father had promised the little girl that they would be going to the park, but his stupid work got in the way for like a hundredth time.  She wanted him to never go to work and play with her all day long. But, she knew that can't happen. Afterall, his work was important!

If it weren't for her father, vampires would suck out the blood of everyone, atleast, that's what she's been told. That was the job of C3, to protect the people from the vampires.

[F/N] breathed a long sigh once again, before turning her back to melancholic drops falling outside. It was just a few silent seconds before the actual storm was to come, clad in a black overcoat drenched in the water. His boots were covered in blood, and his eyes shone bright red with his thirst for blood.

She had just arrived at the living when her eyes fell to the most horrible sight a ten year could see. Her mother struggled in the huge arms the unknown man, as he sucked out the lifeline of her body. His claw-like teeth were sunk onto her neck, making [F/N] shriek loudly in fright.

The vampire looked at her, bewildered, but soon relaxed at the sight of a mere kid. He threw her mother to the side, taking quick steps towards her.

She stepped back, and glanced at her mother who was struggling to use her spell to get her daughter to safety. All in vain! She wasn't even able to steady herself, dizzy from the blood loss. The man reached out his hand for her, creepily.

[F/N] shut her eyes forcefully in defence, as a bright aura radiated from her, blinding the perpetrator. She released her spell all in one scoop, being utterly frightened as she was. A massive scythe formed itself into the tiny arms of the child. Supporting herself steadily, she slashed, severing the vampire's hands, blood gushing out uncontrollably, as he vanished into thin air.

She opened her eyes by the painful voice of her mother, to find not even the trace of the man.  Blood pooled around her mother from the badly slashed wound on her forearm, as she blacked out. She ran up her quickly not fully knowing what had happened.


[F/N] was waiting outside the hospital room, piecing together all the incidents. Realisation hit her like a thunder clap. It was SHE who had hurt her mother, because she could not control her magic properly. Guilt welled up inside her heart.

Although her mother thanked her for saving her life, she could never shake off the feeling in her heart, that the reason that now her mother would never be able to use her left hand was HER FAULT!!

Her heart felt heavy with the burden of the broken arms of her mother, with a crushing sorrow that tainted her heart forever.

'I'll never use that spell ever again!', she promised herself, sealing off her weapon.


[ Hope you liked it!! Thank you so much for reading this far!!^-^

Well... I know, it's an 'X Reader' so I shouldn't have put up a backstory for the Reader...

But, I wanted to make the Reader, somewhat complex, and give them some 'more' role into the story..... apart from being Mikuni's love interest!

Afterall, we are humans, we have lives outside of our lovers too...we have pasts that shape us and we have memories we regret!!

Ofcourse, I could never create your original backstory (nor do I intend to), as I hope you understand that this is but a story!

Please tell me what you think, should there be a backstory or should I delete this...?

Also, do tell me what you think of the backstory in general?

And if you are thinking as to what kind of spell she uses, well..., that'll be dealt with in the coming chapters, along with her spell!^-^

I have tried to incorporate the basic human nature... of wanting to protect your loved ones and the sense of guilt!

Also, this chapter was fairly different from the others, as it is not in Mikuni's POV, but the next chapters will be back inside his mind!! ^-^]

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