The Tale

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The air seemed to thicken as I anticipated his answer, almost dreading it. The indications of lust and envy, that he sprouted with such hatred, were just too straightforward to be ignored.

"Since we are at it, let me tell you a story, " Kageyama said relaxing to his usual self, " After all, you do have a right to know!"

That beating around the bush tested my patience, which became thinner and thinner by the time. Tell me already!

"There had been a woman, a gorgeous one at that, from inside out. Stricken with poverty, she used to work at the manor of a certain Black lord.", Kageyama cleared his throat, his tone heavy, "Years went by smoothly, until HE made his unspeakable move!!"

I could feel his deep anger bursting out making me gulp as I listened attentively. There had to be a clue here! Of why he hates me so much. But I am no Black lord or know any such woman!!

"He left the woman with the child to raise on her own. But, when the Black Lady got wind of the matter, she driven with jealousy, killed the innocent woman and continued on her life peacefully", Kageyama rained daggers at me, his voice full of rage and disgust, as I stood there, frozen with horror, at the strange familiarity of the tale.

"And what does this story has to do with me?", I pretended not to catch his glimpse. Deep down I knew it had something to do with Misono but I couldn't get my myself to accept it.

Kageyama burst out laughing, a loud raucous empty laugh of a maniac, "Don't you understand? The whole story revolves around you Aliceins,  or maybe you're too dumb to realise that! Your mother killed my elder sister with the Servamp of Envy!!", he shouted out.

My worst fear was brought to surface. It definitely was about Misono and my mother! I gulped down hard, fearing what might come next!

The echo of his voice died down, slowly, as he took his seat across the chessboard again.

"Let's continue the match, Mikuni," his tone threatening, "I'll rob you of your happiness as you did with mine!"

"He did nothing!", I heard the stern voice of [F/N] from the distance. It felt ages since I last heard her.

Both of us turned our heads in the direction, with Kageyama raising an eyebrow at her, and I in complete shock.

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