Chapter 1

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Its amazing on how something can change your entire life. It bothers you so much and you just do not have a clue on what to do. Whether it's good or bad, it still changes you and I am currently in the bad.

Recently, My parents died in a plane crash about a week ago and I am not looking forward to the funeral. All I get is "I'm sorry for your loss" or "I hope things get better." I am leaving after the funeral to Australia to live with me uncle. I am nervous because I have never met him before.

~After the Funeral~

I hugged Becca one last time before I had to get on the plane. "Call me when you get there. okay?" she said with a small smile but her eyes were sad. Becca has been my best friend since birth. Our parents were always great friends and thats how we became friends. "okay." I said trying to force a smile. "And tell me if there are any hot guys." she said with a toothy grin. I giggled and nodded before walking to my plane.

I find my seat and put my bags up and try to calm myself down. I have had a fear of planes since my parent's death. "Scared of heights?" a guy with dirty blonde hair asked me with an accent. "Yeah." I said honestly embarrassed. he chuckled and said "me too. My friends in the back always pick on me because of how nervous I get" he says with a smile. "WE DO NOT!" his three friends yelled in sync and laughing like idiots. "Well, thats mean." I said with a smile. He laughed again. "What is your name, babe?" the one with black hair and brown eyes asked. I blushed a little at the word babe "Im Kyler." I replied.

"Well Kyler, Im Calum, this is Luke," he says as he points to a boy with a blonde hair and he waves shyly "this is Michael," he points to a boy with Liliac hair and an eyebrow piercing. "and finally, that is Ashton." he says pointing to the dirty blonde who talked to me first. Once I turn my head, I see the boy who is Ashton staring at me with a small smile of adoration. And I could not help it, I smile back.

{A/N: hiiiiii! Im Hannah! this is my first book that i have written. I hope you like it. I feel like this chapter is so short but trust me, its gonna get goooddd. Picture of Kyler on the side :D}


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