Chapter 28

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Ashton thanks me, looking angry. I did not want to frustrate him so I stay quiet. Those girls were right. I don't deserve Ashton. I feel tears form in my eyes as I turn my head away from Ashton.

"Hey. Are you okay? I know what some said to you." He asks me. I turn to face him, small tears rolling down my face.

"I know I shouldn't believe them but it still hurts Ash." I explain to him.

"Come here baby girl." Ashton replies pulling me into his arms. It felt great being in his arms again. I scoot closer and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Babe. I have a better Idea." He says.

"And what is that?" I ask.

"Tour with us. I mean cmon, Chas and Michaela are doing it. Why can't you?" He says quickly. I think about it.

Im nineteen, I could get a break from my parents for a bit. I nod and smile at him.

"I would love to Ashton." I smile. He smiles at me.

"But first, I need to pack and get some stuff. Can you take me home? It's only like five minutes from here." I ask. I needed to tell my parents that I wanted to go with the boys.

We arrive at the house and I suddenly grow nervous. What would my parents say?

"Do you want me to come in?" Ashton says, grabbing my hand.

"It's okay, Ash." I lie. I really want him to come inside with me. I know I need to do it alone.

I get out of the van quickly and walk to the living room.

"KYLE-" my mom begins but I cut her off.

"Im going on tour with the boys and girls. Im nineteen, I can take care of myself. So there's no way you can stop me. Thank you guys for everything." I say before I go upstairs to start packing.

I finish packing within 15 minutes and head back down stairs to say my goodbyes.

"Bye Mom. Bye Dad." I look into their eyes. They pull me into a hug and kiss my cheek before I walk out of the door.

I smile to myself as I walk to the van. Ashton helps me put my stuff in the van. He grabs my face and brushes his lips over mine, teasingly. I groan, becoming impatient and make the first move. He deepens the kiss.

"Alright, you two love birds, come on." The van driver says, causing me to giggle.

Im the happiest I have been a long time. Im going to be traveling the world with my best friends. Im going to be Ashton. I can feel it. We're going to be together for a very, very, very long time and I can not wait to see what the future has for us.

I feel Ashton staring at me. I look at him and he smirks

"What?" I ask, curious on why he keeps staring at me.

"I remember meeting you on the plane. I was like, woah that girl is gorgeous." Ashton begins, as I begin to blush.

"When you left the airport that first day, I knew I wanted to get to know you better. Like Reaaallllyy get to know you." He continues.

"Who knew that I would become completely in love with you. Im at a lost for words, and that's because right now,

Words can't describe how much I love you."


THE END!!!!!

Thank you for reading this!! I hoped you guys liked it! There will be an Epilogue put up!

I am writing another fanfic after this one. So please read it!


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