3 || Vanishing dreams

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You were barely waking up by the sun that is going straight into your face through the window, but then you noticed that Moonbin wasn't next to you. "He never goes without seeing me" – You thought as soon as you looked next to you, nobody was there on bed. Barely could you handle yesterday's fight which made you feel bad already, so this was the top of all.

As if it was normal, you started to tear up while looking at the empty space on the bed. Then you started to hear footstep but you thought that it wasn't Moonbin, after all he was very mad at you yesterday.

-Y/N...? – Rocky said concerned as soon as he saw you tearing up. He got towards you and without hesitation he started to embrace you tight against him.

-I'm such a letdown – You said while sobbing on Rocky's shoulder.

-What..? You aren't, why are you saying that? – Rocky asked confused while cleaning up your tears.

-Moonbin isn't here and it's all because of me – You continued while feeling sadder.

-Stop it, don't blame yourself – Rocky said as he tried to comfort you.

He tried his best to make you feel better after you told him what happened yesterday, and even if you know that you have to be blamed you didn't wanted nothing of this to happen. Moonbin was inside a black hole pure of sadness when Juliet died, but now you are in that same hole... and this time you feel lonely more than those times.

-You know you'll have to tell him at some point, right? – Rocky said concerned while he was caressing your head.

-I know... but I don't know how he'll react – You said worried.

-*Sigh* we'll have to wait and see – Rocky said as he held you tight against him.

-Moonbin's POV-

-You came earlier than other times, don't you think? – Eunwoo said while looking at me confused.

-I just wanted to be ready for today, that's all – I said while stretching out, when suddenly out of nowhere Rocky came inside the room and walked towards me madly.

-Are you kidding me?! How dare you!? – Rocky said while pushing me aggressively.

-What are you talking about? – I asked while pushing away from me.

-You are a coward! You left her alone! – Rocky said madly before he started to beat me up, just like that both of us started to beat each other with our fists close.

-Stop it! – MJ said while getting in between us.

-What happened? – JinJin said while looking at us concerned.

-Y/N – Rocky said while looking at me madly.

-What happened with her?! Rocky! – MJ said nervous and worried.

-I found her crying because someone had a fight with her last night, am I right Moonbin? – Rocky said mad while looking at me.

-You harmed my sister again!? – MJ said furious. He was walking towards me with his fists closed, but before he could do anything else Sanha and Eunwoo stopped him from going close to me.

-She... was crying? – I asked concerned. When I left home I was pretty sure she was sleeping, and I didn't left any note since I thought she would've guess that I was here.

-You don't even know? This is surreal – Rocky said upset.

-Yah! It's enough – JinJin said while looking at everyone really disappointed.

-Hyung... you should tell him about her nightmares – Sanha said worried while looking at JinJin.

-You know about them? – I asked surprised.

-Yes, me and Rocky – JinJin said before he sighed. –Everyone, sit down on the floor.

Everyone sat down on the floor while waiting for JinJin to say something to all of us, in the meanwhile I could sense Rocky and MJ staring at me upset. To be honest I've never fought like this with Rocky and both of us were looking pretty bad, so MJ was cleaning up the few blood stains Rocky had on his face.

-Here – Eunwoo said as he sat next to me with a towel on his hand, then he started to remove the blood stains from my face. He was looking at me pretty concerned and he was trying his best to make me feel better, when suddenly JinJin sighed capturing all the members' attention.

-Y/N... knows that she has a problem and that having nightmares about Juliet is affecting her, and specially you Moonbin – JinJin said while looking at me.

-But I don't know anything about them – I said confused.

-You don't because you are already too affected by the fact Y/N isn't giving enough in your relation, you dumbass – Rocky said upset.

-She's trying, but she can't by those nightmares – MJ added.

-After all she has been trying to hide stuffs away from you, since she wants you to be out of any other concern – JinJin said while looking at me.


-Y/N's POV-

You are with your therapist, this is your first session after today's tedious morning. You are trying to let everything out since you want your relation be better with Moonbin, you feel that he deserves to be loved and to have the same happiness just like before.

-So Y/N, I'm going to ask you to tell me the worst nightmare you've had – Your therapist said while looking at you.

-How this is going to help me? – You asked confused.

-Because you'll see what's real and what's only on your mind Y/N. When you speak out what happened you'll feel a big relief since you can now say it loud and clear – Your therapist explained with a kind smile.

-Okay – You said before you closed your eyes, trying to remember that one nightmare you fear the most.

-I was walking down the streets with all the members, everything was full of laughs and great vibes – You explained while you tried to recreate the dream inside your mind.

-Juliet is there? – Your therapist asked.

-She is, Moonbin is next to her... they still together – You said while closing your fists tight.

-And you don't like that, right?

-No – You said before you sighed.

-What else is happening? – Your therapist asked.

-Everyone is leaving... Juliet fell down to the floor and Moonbin is now blaming everything on me. Rocky is hugging me tight defending me, and then Moonbin started to fight with him while my brother is going away with my parents – You said while tears started to fall down your eyes.

-What happened with Juliet?

-She's laughing... she seems like a ghost now – You said before you opened your eyes feeling scared.

-Hmm, I see – Your therapist said while looking at you concerned.

-Am I going crazy? – You asked while cleaning up the few tears you dropped.

-You are scared to lose your special someone, that's something natural – Your therapist said. –I'll help you to figure this out, okay?

-Yes – You said before you took a deep breath.

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