what the FUCK is up THANOS

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A/N: I'm not genderfluid or a trans-boy, so if you see anything wrong/offensive with how I potray both, say something!

Loki took a breath and let herself change. It was a relief, having a female form when she was a girl, and it wasn't something she could enjoy the luxury of often when on Asgard for fear of rejection. Times were changing, she believed, and Thor wanted her to be more open.

Still, that didn't loosen the knot in her stomach when Thor remained silent.

"Sometimes I am a girl," she explained, "and sometimes I am a boy. I can be neither or both too... that's the simplest explanation of it."

Thor stayed silent for another moment, and then he grinned - that warm puppy dog overjoyed grin of his that Loki hadn't seen in a while (especially not directed at her).

"I have a sister!" He exclaimed.

Loki rolled her eyes, trying not to let a traitorous smile slip onto her face to betray her feelings to Thor. "You already had a sister. You'd think she'd leave a lasting impression. Ragnarok ring a bell?"

Thor briefly frowned, but he was back to smiling again in an instant when he figured that Loki was just trying to wind him up - since when was Thor smart to that kind of thing? "But now I have a sister who isn't trying to kill me!"

A small smile finally crossed her face, how treacherous. "That's debatable."


"This is who Loki is. Ever-changing, and in a state of fluidity at constant. I'm the god of change, and work like the phases of the moon-"

"Do you ever shut up?" Valkyrie asked, taking a swig of alcohol from the bottle. "By the Norns, so dramatic... You're a girl right now, sometimes you're not. I got it. You're still going by Loki?"

"Yes." Loki replied. No matter what she was, she was always Loki.

"Awesome. Can you go now? I want to get drunk in peace."


The Hulk called her a 'puny goddess' which was cute.

Loki still left the room as soon as possible though.


The Hulk mostly left Loki alone, and not just because she avoided him at all costs. Eventually though, Thor starting recruiting the beast for his evil 'group bonding' schemes.

Apparently Thor wanted a Revengers Group Dinner, but she wasn't for that family life. Just because she was on their side, didn't mean she was ready to socialise with them.

Loki told Thor as much, but he refused to listen. When he left her room, she assumed he'd given up. Alas, he had instead gained aid from the beast, who hoisted Loki over his shoulders and refused to put her down. Daggers didn't seem to bother him the way they did Thor.

Despite her protests, she was secretly glad to be forced into Thor's group bonding time. She was sure he took her lack of magical combat against the beast as an acceptance of the dinner invitation, and was glad she needn't admit aloud her gratefulness of being included - how embarrassing that would be.


Banner showed up at some point, to Loki's surprise. She had been sure he'd remain green and childish forever.

"Genderfluid." Loki repeated, trying out the new word on her tongue. "I never had a word to describe me before, I was always just... me."

"You don't have to have a label." Banner shrugged. "That's just the one people similar to you use."

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