look, there's a bird, dude, it knows what's good

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Alrighty, the summary of the triggering content last chapter for anyone that skipped: Bruce talked to Loki and Loki learns through the conversation that they purposely dropped off the bifrost. We learn that Loki's mind has been permanently damaged from the mind stone (i.e. memory loss of a suicide attempt) and on a nicer note, when Loki tells Bruce that Peter reminds them of Thor, Bruce figures out that this is why Loki so quickly attached themselves to the kid.
Sorry for not updating last Friday, things got hectic so I decided to wait until now to post. But don't worry, you're getting this week's chapter too!

tw: mentions of suicide attempt in passing.


Loki studied themselves in the mirror and finally understood what Bruce meant when he said she looked terrible. She was like a corpse, white as arsenic with hollow cheekbones and sunken eyes. Her hair hung lank and greasy behind her and she trembled like a leaf caught in a storm.

She turned away, disgusted with how she had let herself look so weak in front of others, and moved to the window, where she could see the sun setting on the horizon. She tried to remember what time of day it had been when they were removing the mind stone, but that detail in her memory wasn't there.

She was reminded of her previous memory loss, how she'd forgotten that she had willingly fallen from the bridge. Perhaps the mind stone was the cause. It had damaged her physically, it wouldn't be a stretch to say it could do the same to a person's mind. How much was she missing?

She suddenly felt the need to get some fresh air and decided she'd take a walk. No. Not a walk, she didn't want to be roped into any conversations. She opened the window outwards and called upon the universe to change her form. For a moment, all she could see was green light and could only feel a tingling sensation all over her body until both sensations stopped rather quickly.

She outstretched her wings and pushed herself upwards into the air. She had always enjoyed being a bird. There was something freeing about being able to fly.

For a while, she simply glided along the skies of Wakanda, letting herself calm down somewhat until she spotted two figures fighting on the ground below. She swooped down and perched on a tree close by.

The two figures were that of the Black Widow and General Okoye.

Romanoff had managed to get the general to the ground and had one knee on her chest. "You know, I could get used to having a beautiful woman underneath me." She said with a grin.

Okoye looked up at her with an easy smile that Loki had never seen on the woman in the short time she had known her. "Is that so?" It sounded like a challenge of sorts. Though Loki could not decipher what kind of challenge she was implying.

Romanoff leaned down, clearly intending to kiss the woman - and Loki was preparing to fly the Hel away from there - but Okoye grabbed her shoulders and twisted sideways. Quicker than lightning, the general had her foot planted firmly on Romanoff's abdomen.

"You're a good fighter, Natasha." She said. "But, I think, easily distracted."

Romanoff laughed and hit Okoye's leg gently twice. It seemed to be a sort of symbol for the two, as Okoye removed her foot and sat beside the Widow. "Can you blame me?"

"My face isn't the only thing distracting you though." Okoye said, her light tone easing into something more serious. "There's something on your mind."

Romanoff shrugged. "It's all this Thanos stuff. I mean, how are we going to defeat him? This is bigger than anything we've ever faced before. We barely defeated Loki - how are we going to stop an unstoppable space genocidist? And even if we do, how many people have to die to get that done?"

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