If you knew Loren was Loki clap your hands

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"Put your hand up," Stark said, "If you knew that Loren was Loki the whole time."

Many hands went up.

"Alright let's see... Strange, you're a dick. You should've told me."

"It would've compromised things." Strange replied.

Stark scoffed. "Would've compromised things..."

"Wong knows too." Strange added.

"Of course he does." Stark said. "Moving on... Shuri, I thought you were smarter than this."

"Why would I, an intellectual, have told you anything?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't recognise that meme being put into a serious conversation."

Shuri leaned over to Peter. "I can't believe he knows what a meme is."

"Peter," Stark said, "I'm really disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark!" Peter said. "But I thought it was best not to tell you. I didn't know how you would react."

"After we beat Thanos, I'm getting May to ground you forever. I'm also revoking your Avengers membership."

"But I'm not an Avenger." Peter pointed out.

Stark paused. "You've got me there, kid. But I guess now you never will be."

"James Barnes," Stark continued icily. "How did you find out and why didn't you tell Steve about any of this?"

"Shuri told me." He shrugged. "And she said not to tell anyone else."

"Shuri!" Peter whispered harshly.

Shuri shrugged. "Man's good at keeping secrets."

"Whatever." Stark shook his head, looking for a new hand to pick. "Clint- Clint? Sorry, but what the actual fuck?"

"I suspected it." He replied with a shrug. "Decided I'd keep an eye on her and see if my hunch was right."

"That was ridiculously stupid."

"It's not like I didn't tell anybody about it." Barton said. "I talked to Tasha and Okoye and we all decided that the rest of you weren't mature enough to handle a theory like that without acting impulsively.

"It's true." Romanoff added. "You would've ruined our investigation."

Stark shook his head. "You know what?You're right about me being impulsive. Because I know that your hunches are usually right and would have acted on it instead of keeping secrets from everyone else."

Barton shrugged. "We're spies."

Stark let out a heavy sigh and continued to the next person. "Wanda. Not surprising that you didn't tell me, but you didn't think that Steve should know?"

"I wasn't sure if he would give the same treatment to Loki as he did me. I didn't want to risk it." She said. "Besides, I told Vizh."

"Vision?" Stark sounded betrayed, and looked to the robot.

Vision looked at Stark as passively as always and nodded his head. "Wanda told me, yes."

"And you didn't think I should know?"

"I thought you might do something reckless. Wanda said she believed that Loki wanted to get rid of Thanos more than anyone, and so I thought they'd be a valuable asset to the team."

Rogers spoke up. "Did you read their mind?"

"Partially." Wanda replied. "Enough to see her anger towards Thanos."

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