Amora, stop... Amora, stop... You're going to get in trouble... Amora-

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"How's Shuri's training going?" Loki asked as they jumped back to avoid a kick from Peter.

"Pretty good, I think. But she and Mr. Stark are doing lab stuff right now." Peter replied, a little out of breath. He moved forward as Loki moved back, aiming two quick jabs at their head.

Loki blocked both easily, catching the second and twisting Peter's arm. With a push to the shoulders, Peter was on his knees. "What kind of lab stuff?"

Peter struggled against Loki's strength. "She's teaching him about vibranium and he's showing her his arc reactors. They're both really excited." He threw himself to the ground and rolled onto his back. He quickly grabbed Loki's ankle and put one foot on their thigh before bringing around the other foot to hit Loki's jaw with a drop kick.

Loki stumbled back a bit, allowing Peter to get to his feet. "Brunnhilde was planning to go to Shuri when I spoke to her earlier. Wanted to see what vibranium was like as armour."

"They're already working on equipping everyone with vibranium armour anyway. Pretty much all the Wakandans have it and I'm pretty sure half the Avengers are done." Peter moved forward and aimed a sidekick at Loki's abdomen.

Loki caught his foot. "Am I to get the upgrade?" They twisted sideways and Peter was once again sent to the floor. Loki didn't hesitate this time to pin him there.

"Pretty sure, yeah!" Peter replied, struggling against Loki's hold.

Loki smiled. "I should see if they can recreate my helmet. The look on Stark's face would be hilarious."

"The one with the horns?" Came a voice from the doorway. Loki turned to see Wanda, only for Peter to use their distraction to roll sideways and get on top of Loki.

"Cheap shot," Loki said, "I like it."

The two of them got to their feet and walked to Wanda. "Yes, the one with the horns." Loki confirmed. "Do you like it?"

"Seems like you're trying to overcompensate for something." Wanda smiled.

Loki laughed. "I feel like you're better suited to the Enchantress' headpiece." He summoned a image of his old friend's headgear to the best of his ability. The green five-pointed flat accessory was pretty, but pretty much useless as a helmet seeing it didn't cover any part of the actual head. "Much more fitting for a powerful witch."

"Seems pretty impractical." Wanda said.

Loki shrugged. "Amora was like that."

"Was she on Asgard when it - uh-?"

Loki shook their head. "No, she was put in a timeless prison long ago."

Peter looked intrigued. "Timeless prison?"

Loki sighed realising that they had just cornered themselves into a storytime session with their two students. There was no way they'd get away without recalling the tale now.

They sighed and sat down on the training room floor, Wanda and Peter sat down across from them.

"Amora and her sister Lorelei were my dearest friends in my younger years, which should've been an omen to everyone else as to what paths I would choose later in life." Loki began.

"When we were on the cusp of adulthood – about the Asgardian equivalent of your age," Loki gestured to Peter, "– Amora became obsessed with youth, moreso than she was with Thor — which is saying something. When Asgardians are what you would call teenagers, we age quite rapidly. As we age quite slowly as children, this sudden change scared her immensely despite my insistence that ageing in adulthood would be like a snail's crawl. But she didn't care, she was determined to stay young forever."

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