Bitch, me too, the fuck?

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Her gentle knock on Maximoff's door was followed by a slightly accented, "Come in."

Loki opened the door and smiled at the girl. "Ms Maximoff." She greeted.

"Loren." She returned, moving a few wooden blocks she previously had in front of her aside. She gestured to the space beside her on the bed which Loki took as an invitation and sat down, putting her notebook beside her.

"I wanted to know how prepared you are for the battle." Loki began.

"I read the book you lent me," Maximoff said, "and I've been trying to reframe how I think about my magic like it suggests. Is it really alive?"

"In a way. It's just like another one of your body parts, but you have to treat it like it's another person."

"How do I do that?"

Loki hummed as she tried to think of an explanation. "You can move your arm with barely a thought, and I'm guessing that's how you've been treating your magic so far? You just react and let it do what it wants?"

Wanda nodded. "I can just point and the magic does the rest."

"You need to give it direction. Even something simple, like 'destroy' or 'levitate'. Pretend you're having a mental conversation with your magic, like it's a different person entirely. Otherwise, the magic has to guess what to do and will ultimately be less effective." Loki said. "Strange uses incantations and precise hand gestures to communicate with his magic, which is fine. But if you want to study that area of magic, you'll have to do it at a later date. Right now you should be focusing on establishing a mental link between you and your magic."

"Will it respond?" Wanda asked.

"No. Like I said, it's just another body part." Loki was suddenly struck with a thought. "Although..."


"Your magic was given to you by the mind stone, correct? It was artificially given?" Wanda nodded, so she continued. "Your magic – its aura feels similar to that of the reality gem. The infinity stones have their own sentience. It might be possible that your magic retains some of that."

"Is that... a bad thing?"

Loki puzzled over it. "I don't know... It could mean your magic is smarter, but it could also mean it's stubborn and might limit you." She paused. "Can I look at your magic?"

"... look at it? How?"

"Well, not 'look' as much 'sense'. I'll form a sort of connection between the two of us so I can observe your magic far more easily than I can now. It'll be like obtaining a microscope."

Maximoff thought it over. "Alright." She nodded. "Do we need to do anything?"

Loki brought her feet up onto the bed so she could face Maximoff, and the girl mirrored her movement. Loki offered her hands, which she accepted. "This won't take but a moment. It won't hurt, but you'll be able to feel my magic, as I'll have to focus all of it on you. It might tingle."

She closed her eyes and instructed her magic to reach out to Maximoff's. She could already feel it, prickling at her skin and making her head swirl.

The girl's magic was reacting to Loki's on its own accord. It was cautious, and had built barriers around Maximoff and her mind without her asking it to. Protective. Like the aether was to Jane.

Loki tried to push out an aura of friendliness. She reached out her magic like a olive branch.

Maximoff's magic seemed to study her until it realised she meant no harm to its owner and almost instantly Loki was filled with feelings of comfort and warmth.

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