A badly written fighting chapter

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"Nice to meet finally meet you, Captain." Loki grinned. "Love the beard."

The Captain looked briefly amused. "You too... Loren, was it?"


"And you're Asgardian? Like Thor?" He asked.

"In the ways that matter." Loki shrugged, collapsing back into a chair and throwing her legs over the arm. It was a really uncomfortable chair, but she looked good.

Loki was terrible at portal creation - so she had used the sling ring she'd stolen from the Sanctum to get here (she had paid close attention to what Strange did when he created a portal to send her back to the Avengers Facility). It was far quicker and more impressive than any of Stark's planes. The Midgardian artefact really didn't agree with her though, and she felt completely drained.

By sitting down, she got to relax and look fine (a word she'd found new context for with the help of a mister Peter Parker) while doing so.

Rogers seemed to consider that answer for a bit, but moved past it without further questions.

"On the phone you said that you'd spoken to a king of some place?"

Rogers nodded. "T'Challa, he rules Wakanda. It's this place in Africa... which is a continent - like North America."

Loki smiled in bemusement. "I know what Africa is."

"T'Challa said that the wiping of half the world obviously concerned Wakanda too. He wants to team up with all of us to stop Thanos."

"Is Wakanda a strategic advantage to us?" Loki asked.

"They have a mountain of vibranium."

"The metal your shield is made from." Loki replied. "That is interesting. They've made weapons from it?"

"I haven't asked, but I'll get you in contact with him. Even if they don't, their technology is amazing. That's not much coming from me, but they did more for Bucky than anywhere else could."

Loki nodded. "So I suppose we must travel to Wakanda then? It'll be far easier to move people to a country than a country to people after all."

"Terribly sorry, Ms. Loren." A voice cut into her head.

She had to take a minute to reassure herself. This was the calm-natured Vision, not the Other. He could access nothing but the thoughts Loki wanted to share. Still, linking to the mind stone once more made her stomach churn.

As soon as she'd arrived with Vision, the Captain had told him the location of someone called 'Wanda' and he'd ran off immediately. Loki had tried to remember Wanda from the times she'd looked to Midgard while on the throne. There was someone called Maximoff with a lot of red leather and untouched magical potential. She was a bomb waiting to explode and Loki would love to see what would happen when she did.

"What is it?" She thought.

"Wanda and I seem to have found ourselves in a spot of trouble. Our attackers don't look to be from Earth."

She let out a frustrated noise and Rogers looked far too concerned for a stranger. "What is it?" He asked.

"I believe some of Thanos' order may have arrived." Loki answered. "Although, who knows. It could be different aliens. They're attacking Maximoff and Vision. The rest of your exiled teammates, they're close?"

He nodded. "I'll send word to them. Give me a location and we'll meet them there."

Loki looked for where Vision was broadcasting the location of the infinity stone to her and tried to focus in on the location. He repeated what he saw to the Captain, who yelled it down a phone as the two of them began sprinting in the direction of the fight. Valkyrie, who was waiting outside the building ("Diplomacy is boring. Grab me if we have to kick some ass.") with a half-empty bottle of whiskey, abandoned the alcohol and ran with them.

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