Thor here on the Milano with a raccoon at earth's atmosphere!

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A/N: three more chapters and an epilogue to go ;)

Thor felt energy rush around his body, awakening every limb. He awoke with a gasp, Jarnbjorn in his hand.

"Thank the Norns, Thor." Sif said from his side before she pulled him into a hug. "I was worried you wouldn't survive."

He laughed and pulled her in tighter. "The universe won't let me die until Thanos is dead. Fate isn't so cruel that it would be otherwise."

"You don't know that, Thor."

"Of course I do." He replied. "Are we on Earth yet?"

She shook her head. "We couldn't take any jumps with you the way you were. I'll go tell Nebula that we're ready to go, she was ready to kill you if it meant we got to Thanos faster."


"Gamora's sister. She joined the Guardians after she escaped Thanos' prison."

Thor sat up abruptly. "Were they able to get the reality stone?"

She shook her head once more. "Thanos got there first. They lost Gamora."

"That's... a tragic loss. I could tell she was a warrior of great strength and heart."

Sif nodded and stood up from the chair she was sitting on. "I need to tell Nebula to start jumping. We'll be on Midgard soon."

She left the room and Thor's thoughts drifted to Earth. He was eager to see his teammates again. After the loss of Asgard, it would be good to be surrounded by so many friends.

But how would he tell them that Banner was lost to them? Perhaps he would leave it until after Thanos was defeated, he wouldn't want to dampen people's spirits before such a great battle. Plus, some small part of him held hope that Banner and some of the others had survived.

He also decided that after Thanos was gone he'd make up for lost time on Earth. He'd kindle a friendship with Jane from the disaster that was their romantic relationship, and reconnect with Darcy, Erik and Daryl. He'd visit Clint and his family properly, share battle stories with Natasha, train with Steve, drink with Tony...

There was so much about Asgard that he wished he'd appreciated more. He wouldn't let that happen with Midgard.

He stood up, axe in hand, and left the room. He found the Guardians and Sif at the front of the ship; Star-lord at the wheel and Nebula punching something into a screen.

The atmosphere was heavy, suffocating even. Thor barely knew Gamora or of her relationships with her teammates, but he could feel her loss fully. He wondered if that's what it felt like being around him, the loss of his home and people a thick cloud of depression hanging around him.

Thor sat down beside Sif, who's hand rested on the hilt of her sword. Thor recognised it as her being nervous, but didn't bring it up. He stayed silent, as did everyone else, as the ship sped forward.

Jumping through space was a strange feeling, but it wasn't too different to the bifrost for Thor to feel uncomfortable. Soon the Earth could be seen from the large window of the ship.

"Wow," Star-lord said in an exhale of breath, awe in his voice as he looked down at the jewel-like blues and greens, and the swirling clouds of white. "I haven't been here in so long... It's beautiful."

Rocket scoffed. "How's it any different to any other stinkin' planet?"

Star-lord glared at the rabbit. "Hey! That's my home you're talking about."

"I think Earth is the most beautiful of the nine realms," Thor said, "but I haven't seen enough of the rest of the universe to say how it compares to everywhere else."

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