Whomst the fuck are you

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Stark had a way to contact Captain America, apparently, and Loki had sent him off to do so.

They sat bored on the wooden floor of a common room, Peter on the couch beside them. Their head still felt too light to delve into reading to pass time, but they needed a distraction. They pulled out the one thing from their pocket dimension that, besides their knives and their journals, they always kept there no matter the occasion that needed prepping for.

Black nail polish.

Loki loved painting their nails. It was distracting and easy and made them look good.

Peter perked up. "Can I help?"

A few moment later, Peter finished painting Loki's last fingernail black. He had been talking the entire time, but Loki found that they didn't mind very much. "So this kid at school - Flash - keeps misgendering me on purpose. Every time I bring it up, he's like "It's just a joke" but... I don't know. What would you do in my place?"

Loki blew on their fingernails. "Stab him."

Peter made a distressed noise. "What?!"

"Stab. Him." They repeated, before summoning one of their daggers and putting it in Peter's hand. "Whenever my brother irritated me, stabbing him would shut him up."

"I can't just stab Flash!"

Loki checked out their nails and realised they'd smudged them holding the dagger. "Oh boo."


They rolled their eyes. "Sorry, I forgot that I'm supposed to have a perfect moral compass 24/7. I'm afraid my entire list of options includes stabbing him."

"You're so unhelpful."

"What about a curse?" They suggested. "I love a good curse..."


"No, you're right. Why waste good magic on the-" They tried to find the word Peter used to describe Flash. "cishets? ... that was the word you used - cishets - right? What did that mean again?"

"No, Loren, around you!"

Loren looked at Peter - who seemed genuinely panicked - and then looked down to see a familiar circle of what looked like red fire around them.

"Oh fuck." Was all they managed to say before they dropped.

They heard Peter yell something but didn't catch the words.

This time, they didn't fall for half an hour. Instead, they were immediately at the feet of the personification of irritation - the magician that had left Loki falling for thirty minutes.

"Loki?" He said, seemingly confused. "I guess your new appearance explains why it was hard to track you this time."

"No, your magic just sucks." They replied, standing up and brushing themselves off. "I put a few wards up after leaving Midgard last time, I suppose my magic isn't strong enough to hold them completely right now, which is why you were able to find me... This isn't a disguise, it's me."

He shook his head. "Whatever. Why are you back? It's barely been a week. I'd hoped that once you'd left the planet you be gone forever."

"Ouch, hurtful." They said in mock offence. "I'm not here by choice. If I was here by choice, it'd be because I'd very much like to stab you and let you bleed out over your ugly-ass carpet." They pointed at the mentioned atrocity and wrinkled their nose as if in disgust.

"But I'm here by coincidence," they continued, "I believe I should get an introduction before I continue? I didn't catch your name last time."

He didn't seem any less annoyed at Loki, but said, "Doctor Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme." with a certain amount of flourish.

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