The TED Talk

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Revision 1.1


Let's turn the pages of our history book back to year 2052.

2052 was the year marked by 10 super-storms ravaging north America in one season, marked by AI and robots taken 85% of jobs that were originally humans', and marked by Eligius Corporation launching gigantic thousand-ton space stations for nations ...

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2052 was the year marked by 10 super-storms ravaging north America in one season, marked by AI and robots taken 85% of jobs that were originally humans', and marked by Eligius Corporation launching gigantic thousand-ton space stations for nations which could afford it.

That was also the year when hospitals could finally cure every disease human beings had ever encountered. AIDS, Cancer, Ebola... etc. No longer the problem. The real one is that most people couldn't afford the treatment. So millions still died from those disease.

Most nations were in economic or political ruins. Countries desperately competed against others like mad dogs. They could give any kind of tax breaks,  and make any laws for big companies. Corporations can easily bypass regulations, or/and even disappear ( more precisely: murder) someone who dared to resist.

 Corporations can easily bypass regulations, or/and even disappear ( more precisely: murder) someone who dared to resist

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Out of many, Eligius Corporation was the one on top of all the predators. Ever since its hostile takeover of the SpaceX Corp., it became the monopoly of space launching service and spacecraft building in the whole world. The giant corporation owned hundreds of launch centers all over the world. Using the latest titanium alloy meshed with graphene layers, they built space stations as large as aircraft carriers, and they hired millions of the smartest guys on the planet.

Even though cars, trucks and ships are all electrified, fossil fuel companies still kept extracting millions of barrels of oil each day to make rocket fuel for Eligius Corp. , because each of their launches required a tremendous amount of fuel. The problem of global warming, sea level rising, super storms and the threat of human's own existence? No politician were stupid enough to raise those issues, knowing who was really pulling their strings.

Therefore the climate just kept getting worse. 6th-category hurricanes and 40 plus Celsius heat domes took their turns to wreck havoc on all continents. Normal house built by bricks or wood would not last long. So poor people crowded in community bunkers or underground caves when the next hurricane came. Even those places were not really safe. Every year there would be many so-called "thousand-year" floods surged over the levies and killed everyone inside.

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