Not Father's Girl

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Prominently standing in the center of New Metro's financial district, was the headquarters of Eligius Corporation. That gigantic skyscraper was entirely made of their proprietary spaceship alloy, which dwarfs all other tall buildings. Cold metallic exterior walls reflected piercing sunlight to half of the city, while covered the other half in shadows. The top half was a slim structure thrusting into the sky like the rockets they built. Rumor was that the central tower was actually a spaceship which Donald Eligius could launch at any time, in case of any nation wanted to nuke the building.

Yeah, Donald Eligius got plenty of enemies all over the globe, but he was well prepared for that.

Ever since he took over the revered SpaceX Corp., Donald Eligius was universally hated while Elon Musk was loved by all. 

At a time governments should have banded together to mitigate the Climate Crisis, Donald corrupted them with his limitless funding and strong-armed methods, making politicians bent to his will one by one. Fossil fuel extraction should have stopped decades ago, yet armed with an astronomical wealth, he singlehandedly halted the whole world's green energy development. 

A few years ago, some stupid MIT genius invented a portable nuclear engine right in this city, Donald's stronghold! Can you imagine that? Unlimited green energy that would effectively end all the needs to drill more oil ! How dared he !

The result? his funding got denied and his job got suspended. ( Brian's story is in book two, if you're interested. ) Donald was overly lenient and didn't send out a SWAT team to get rid of him once and for all.

The reason for all his evil deeds? According to him, he just needed plenty of cheap rocket fuel, and cared about nothing else. Under his relentless control overshadowing most governments, billion tons of fossil fuel were extracted and turned into rocket fuel every month.

Every day thousands of space shuttles were launched, carrying food, water, essentials and rocket fuel itself, to the monstrous space stations above. Around those marvelous space structures, millions of smaller spaceships, drones and pods flew around, providing all kind of services like maintenance, transportation, refueling, sight-seeing...etc.

You see? Though human species officially stepped into the space age, we paid a huge price for that. The rocket fuel consumption even surpassed the old days of oil, when hurricanes just started to show their fangs.

 The rocket fuel consumption even surpassed the old days of oil, when hurricanes just started to show their fangs

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