~private convo between gee and mikey~ GerardGay: MIKEY Mickey Mouse: yes my dearest brother????? GerardGay: did i just hear "oh pete" as i walked past your door??? Mickey mouse: 1 y were you out of your room and 2 no GerardGay: wELL FIRST OF ALL BITCH I WANTED CEREAL GerardGay: and 2 I think I did Mickey mouse: I think the fuck not GerardGay sent a photo! GerardGay:
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Mickey Mouse: Jesus fucking Chr- FINE I LIKE PETE GerardGay: FUCKING KNEW IT ------------------------------------- GerardGay added BurritoBarakat, Mickey Mouse, Fro Dude, PattyCakes, and And And: lmao " and and" PattyCakes: hello??? BurritoBarakat: HELLO FELLOW FRENS Fro Dude: y we here? GerardGay: I have gatherd u all here.2day to talk about mikes S i t u a t i on BurritoBarakat: Situation? I mean I can help but I'm gonna need alex's permission Mickey mouse: Jesus PattyCakes: I feel like he would want to help at least BurritoBarakat: tru tru GerardGay: MIKEY LIKES PETE Mickey mouse: GERARD And: mIkEy LiKeY PattyCakes: and we are here bc??? GerardGay: u guys are closest to pete and I need some help to get mikes his man BurritoBarakat: Ohhhhhhh mkay Fro Dude: I gotta idea GerardGay: wat Fro Dude: since he doesn't know awsten yet what if aws tries to flirt with him???? BurritoBarakat: Isn't he dating Geoff tho And: oh yeah he is GerardGay: we'll ask Geoff then! GerardGay added FelonySteve😥 and wigSNATCHington FelonySteve😥: hello Y'ALL GerardGay: don't even u fuker And: oOf FelonySteve😥: oOf indeed GerardGay: we need ur help WigSNATCHington:????? GerardGay: Geoff would u allow awsten to flirt with pete bc mikey likes pete and we wanna see what would happen????? wigSNATCHington: mkay BUT REMWMBER AWS ILYYYYY FelonySteve😥: ILY 2 Fro Dude: TXT HIM