BurritoBarakat: GUYS ME AND ALEX ARE GOING TO LA TO HAVE A VACA TOGETHER!!! Pee: I thot u wernt out 2 ur mom yet?? BurritoBarakat: I'M NOT BUT SHE THINKS WE'RE BEST FRIENDS AND WE EVEN GET A HOTEL ROOM TOGETHER!!!! Madagaskarth:IT'S GONNA BE SO FUN OMG MickeyMouse: WHAT IF U MEET JEFFREE STAR?? Fro Dude: OR JAMES CHARLES FelonySteve😥: FLASHBACK MARRY FLASHBACK MARRY FLASHBACK MARRY OttoWoody: HI SISTERS BurritoBarakat: I regret life 👌👌🐕🐕: don't we all? Mickey mouse: OH YEAH GUESS WHO HAS A BF GerardGay: TELL THEMMM HayHayHayley: u? Mickey mouse: YEAH AND IT'S PETE HayHayHayley: hAh LYNZ U OWE ME 20 BUCKS Lynzzzz: u suck Tyjo: u betted on their relationship? Jish: that's low bro Madagaskarth: just like my happiness BurritoBarakat: just like my grades Beebo: just like my future Pee: brendon ur forehead is brighter than mine WigSNATCHington:hAH GerardGay: calling it now jack and lex are gonna do it in LA BurritoBarakat: oOf Madagaskarth: oOf indeed DannyBoi: they gonna be like Travis baker and Bang Bang Madagaskarth: oml stopppp BurritoBarakat: GUYS HE IS BLUSHING OMG OMG ALEX ILY SO FUCKING MUCH LIONS!: That's so cute omgggg DAN WHY CAN'T WE BE LIKE THEM DannyBoi: bc that requires exercise LIONS!: ???? DannyBoi: exactly Pee: Mikey they are goals LEARN BITCH Fro Princess: y BurritoBarakat: are friend rian likes to make collages of me and alex and tbh its kinds cute 👌👌🐕🐕: send BurritoBarakat sent a photo! BurritoBarakat:
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Ry: Can he make some of me and bren?? BurritoBarakat: Yeah lemme add him BurritoBarakat added ITGONNARIAN Mickey mouse: UR NAME OHHH MYYY GODDDD ITGONNARIAN: IKR alex made me do it Ry: imma spam u with pics of me and my bf (brendon) I'm Ryan btw so can u make a collage? ITGONNARIAN: Sure! And I'm also Ryan! But it's spelled different Ry: OMG no way I HAVE A NEW BFF