Mickey mouse: so..... This gc is a dead as elvis Gee Gay: ouch that hurts elvis is ma king Ry: uHm *starts screaming to the tune of gotten eye joe* Fro Dude: lol Danny Boi: Y'ALL ME AND PHIL STARTED YOUTUBE CHANNELS Beebo: OMG I WANNA SEE SOME MEMES I WANNA SEE SOME SEXAND I WANNA SEE SOME WEED WAT IS IS IT CALLED LIONS!:..... Amazing Phil Danny Boi: DanIsNotOnFire Tyjo: y'all blink 182 is having a concert in soon wanna go? Pee: I wants to coms! Danny Boi: C O M S Pee: *smashes head into wall* Gee Gay: GUYS DO YOU KNOW ALEX AND JACK? WELL THERE GAY SHOULD I ADD THEM Pee: what Gee Gay added Madagaskarth and BURRITOBARAKAT Madagaskarth:yo Pee:HELLO Beebo:PLZ STATE YOUR NAME AND WHO YOUR DATING BurritoBarakat: jack and im dating alex♥️ Madagaskarth:Alex and im dating jack 🌯🌯 Lynzzzz: Hello Alex hello Jack! Pee: ALEX JACK SEND A PIC SO WE CAN SEE U BurritoBarakat: eW I'm ugly but BurritoBarakat sent a picture
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Madagaskarth: oH my baby just fuk me rn anyways here is my beauty Madagaskarth sent a picture
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Ry: cute also WTF 👌👌🐕🐕:Remember the cheese whiz Beebo:NO FRANK NO ALEX ISN'T SHOVING CHEESE UP JACKS ASS BurritoBarakat: oooooo kinky 👌👌🐕🐕: well duh alex is a bottom so jack will be shoving cheese whiz up alex's ass!! Madagaskarth: I don't like this LIONS!: I'M TO INNOCENT FOR THIS Danny Boi: not for long Ry: what Danny Boi: what