SpookyJim: I GOT A FUCKING DOG YES 🚫🚫🐈🐈:OH MY GOD GerardWayButGayer: why did you have to say dog SpookyJim: bEcAuSe I gOt A dOg KeepTheChange: WHAT'S THE GOOD BOY/GIRL'S NAME SpookyJim: HIS NAME IS JIM HRS A THEARPY DOG YouFilthyAnimal: our good boys must meet SpookyJim: U HAVE A GOOD BOY YouFilthyAnimal: His name is Sebastion Whiz: I HAVE 2 GOOF BOYZ Whiz- Penny ling and Bogart
🚫 🚫 🐈🐈: oH mY gOd
YouFilthyAnimal: wait halloween is over we can change theese names now
KeepTheChange changed their name to BurritoBarakat
🚫 🚫 🐈🐈 changed their name to FrankIeroMustDie
SpookyJim changed their name to JoshLuvsJim
Cheese changed their name to RyRoBitch🤥
Whiz changed their name to Beebo
GerardWayButGayer: imma keep mine lmfao
Pepe: yeah same
IkeaSucks changed their name to FelonySteve😫 A/n I'm to lazy to write all their names so just pretend AlexanderIsGod: oh yeah happy turkey day mates BurritoBarakat: ily bby sorry I couldn't be with u today Beebo: don't worry it's okay RyRoBitch🤥: BRENDON AlexanderIsGod: BITCH GET OFF MY MAN GerardWayButGayer: hAH FrankIeroMustDie: so about the dog...... JoshLuvsJim sent a photo! JoshLuvsJim:
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BurritoBarakat: did u hear about Scotty Sire's leg? GerardWayButGayer: DAVID GOT KENDALL JENNER FOR ZANE LIKE GaH AlexanderIsGod: I changed my Twitter name u liek? AlexanderIsGod sent a photo! AlexanderIsGod:
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BurritoBarakat: cute bby FrankIeroMustDie: snazzy AndyIsVegan: alltimelow? ZackTheSnack: oh yeah we started a band for battle of the bands JoeHoe: SPEAKING OF THAT. PETE ARE U PLAYING BASS FOR US? Pepe: yes OttoWoddy: battle of the bands? GerardWayButGayer: yee geoff: WE GOTTA JOIN FelonySteve😥: yEs AlexanderIsGod: guys please hdlp BurritoBarakat: what's wrong sweetie?! AlexanderIsGod: familu is talkinh about politics and itdw getting loud BurritoBarakat: breath baby breath Beebo: wait what's wrong with him? IT'S GONNA RIAN: Anxiety attack BurritoBarakat: fuck my family they won't let me call him Beebo: Alex AlexanderIsGod: yes) Beebo: I'm gonna call you okay