Lush Seduction ✓ (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU

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1. this book has nothing to do with the movie.

2. I was 15 when I wrote this, and I'm 26 now.
3. The chapters will get longer, and the grammar will improve. My fifteen year old self learnt a lot throughout the years (this was written in 2014)


Book 1 of the Lush Trilogy (completed )


''Vicky West, has always desired to become a dancer at the famed Moulin Rouge club in Los Angeles. Since she was young, she always dreamt of dancing, and singing. Entertaining people is what she sought in life. The owner of the club, Harry Styles, is the only thing that is undesirable about working at the Moulin Rouge. He is a pompous asshole who only thinks about money and the women available for his own pleasure.

When Vicky auditions for a spot in the team, Harry immediately knows she is a great asset for his club. The way she swings her hips playfully, and licks her lips when they are dry, makes him crazy.

Is Harry pursuing Vicky for Moulin Rouge, or for himself?''

Lush Seduction ✓ (Moulin Rouge) is a Harry Styles AU story. WARNING: there are cuss words, sexual contact and all that blah blah if you don't like it; don't read it. Please keep on voting, commenting and sharing this book with friends.

instagram: @_butterflytattoo

twitter: @_LaylaArts

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I portray my female main-character as a strong woman - cause I love that - and when she will ever be mad or cry, I promise there is a GOOD reason.

Funfact: I am dutch wow

Happy reading!

xo Lay.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now