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Vicky West

I reached my apartment, and I saw Harry's Bentley sitting just outside the entrance. I felt my cheeks flush in excitement, seeing him was the best part of my day. I opened the door to the apartment complex, and I ran right past the elevator to the stairs – the elevator would take too long. My feet came in contact with the steps at a rapid pace, the sound of my trainers hitting the concrete echoed through the stairwell. Maybe I was being crazy, but the stairway was empty so no one saw me, and this was Harry Styles waiting for me – who wouldn't be crazy?

I gasped for breath when I finally reached the landing for my floor. I swatted the matted hair from my forehead before proceeding into the hallway. I slammed the doors open anxious to break the only thing left standing as a barrier between Harry and I. When I was standing mere meters from my door I stopped to think about what was happening to me. My heart hammered in my chest – more from excitement than the three flights of stair I just sprinted – and my mind was clouded with thoughts of Harry, the haziness that had once been there – the exhaustion from working today – was replaced with nothing but Harry. I knew I had turned into someone who was falling extensively and overpoweringly in love with a person she never thought she could fall for.

I could see him sitting on the ground by my door, patiently waiting for me to come home to him. It was if he could feel me staring at him – admiring him – and his eyes flickered to mine. A breathtaking smile painted his face and I couldn't help but think of how lucky I was. Harry consumed me, bewitched me, and I couldn't have hoped for anyone better. I was standing on a precipice, that I was sure to fall from, at an astonishing height that would surely kill me if I wasn't fortunate enough to have him catch me, but I wasn't afraid. I know that this was it, I could feel the choices resonate in my bones – to my core – it was like I was standing at a crossroad, but I no longer had a choice.

My hands became clammy with perspiration, but it was a wonder as to why I felt nervous all of a sudden. Harry pursed his lips before clasping his bottom one between his teeth. My breath hitched when Harry reached out his hand for me. I quickly took his outstretched hand, and carefully intertwined our fingers. His hands were a great deal bigger than mine, but somehow they came together perfectly. I moved closer to Harry, and wrapped my arms around his torso. His arms snaked around my shoulders, his hands entwined and rested on my lower back. The bitter wind howled through the open courtyard at the centre of the complex, but I didn't make an attempt to move, nor did Harry.

''Vicky,'' The sound of his voice came into my ear, and it was so wanting, that goosebumps appeared on my skin. I felt Harry squeeze me tighter before he slipped his hands down to skim my bare arms. ''Does it sound stupid when I say I fucking missed you for those three hours?''

''No, not at all.'' I said while I looked at Harry. He was delighted with my answer, because his dimples appeared at once. I rested my hands on his chest while we stood in front of my apartment. I didn't mind that we were outside, I just wanted to be with him right now. ''Why were you sitting at my doorstep?''

''I got world-weary at home,'' Harry replied.

''You have a whole playground, and you get bored?'' I raised an eyebrow in question.

''Yes, I do.'' Harry answered me. ''I don't have anyone to play with.'' He added while he rested his forehead against mine.

''Can you two please be dormant? Folks, like me, are trying to catch some sleep.'' I chuckled lightly, and I could see Harry feeling a bit chagrined when heard my neighbour. This time she didn't want some refined sugar, just for two people to shut their mouths. Harry rested with his hand on my lower back when he turned around to face her.

''I am sorry, Miss..?''

''Berch,'' She spoke, clearly peeved.

''Well we want to apologize, Miss Berch.'' Harry said considerately. I needed to hold in my laughter when I felt Harry grab my bum now and then. We looked like two teenagers who just got caught by their teacher. I held the keys of my apartment in my hand while we stood here waiting impatiently for a reply from my elderly neighbour.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now