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Harry Styles

In two days Vicky and I would be at the airport, getting ready to fly to New York City. The weeks had passed extremely quickly since I had surprised her with this trip.

I had arranged everything already, and as the day grew closer I grew more excited. I had planned a bit of sight-seeing, but also some free time for us. We would have a fancy dinner, and a romantic walk through central park. Vicks made it very clear that she wanted to experience shopping in New York City - so I planned for that too.

Every Christmas I went to New York City - it was beautiful there, an escape in my own country. The atmosphere was wondrous to behold, bustling - but happy. Shoppers always waited until the last minute to buy their gifts, and most of the time the stores were hectic, but the aura remained joyful.

This year would be completely different - I wasn't sure how Vicky would react in New York. The hustle and bustle of New York was completely different from the laid-back lifestyle of LA, I didn't know how she would handle it. Our first day there would be spent sight-seeing, I was sure Vicky would be in awe of the enormously tall skyscrapers. It would be special to have her there with me; I had never brought anyone to New York - not even William.

I was looking through a tourist guide to try to decide which places Vicky would like to visit. I wasn't pleased to be receiving visitors today, but if it was important I couldn't miss this opportunity.

''Come in,'' I shouted domineeringly.

Waiting hasn't been one of my virtues - I've hated it for as long as I can remember. I placed my glasses in the top drawer on my left, and turned my head to see who was entering. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw William waltz through the door of my office. I hadn't seen him for a few months, so I was taken aback when he showed up unannounced.

''Harry - a pleasure to see you are working,'' I motioned for him to take a seat across the desk from me, I didn't trust him one bit so I'd like to keep an eye on him. William was a snake; he would never listen to me - or anyone else for that matter. Our discussion at my house went accordingly; he knew how I felt about him

''Money needs to be earned lawfully,'' I remarked.

''Yeah. Whatever you say, Harry.'' William told me. ''I think it's time for us to sit down, and have a serious conversation.'' I raised my eyebrows at William's suddenly confrontation. Since when was he capable of having a serious conversation?

''Go ahead, speak.'' I leaned back into my comfortable chair.

A chuckle left William's mouth before his face morphed into someone on serious business. ''You need to do something for me, Harry. I know you were angry with me, but this needs to be done.'' William spoke. I didn't know William could be involved in serious business - clearly he did not do well under pressure.

''What did you manage to fuck up this time?'' I spit at him.

''I may or not may have promised someone that you would send them a couple of DVD's,'' William said, and I could see him flinch and close his eyes from the outburst that was sure to come. He knew that I'd be furious, and go completely insane. That was exactly what happened a few seconds after the words were spoken.

''What the fuck did you do?!'' I bellowed. I got up from my chair and leaned over the desk to grab William strongly by his collar. My heart was beating loudly, and my veins were thick with the adrenaline that consumed body. ''Who the hell did you promise DVD's to? Fucking tell me William or your brains will be splattering my wall in three seconds flat.'' I hissed dementedly.

''I'm sorry,'' He pleaded. ''It was an impulse when I was drunk.''

''You don't get to use that as an excuse you twat,'' I made it clear instantly. ''You've definitely crossed boundaries; I have told you, many times, that this was over. Yet still you pull me into your pathetic excuse for a business, and you want me to clean everything up for you - like I always do.'' I growled. ''I don't want to keep on wiping your ass, William Purdy. It's time for you to grow up.''

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now