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Vicky West

I tossed and turned around repeatedly. I stretched my body out when I heard my alarm going off. I flickered with my eyes a few times, and I was met with the white ceiling. Today I was going to show the other dancers the whole routine for the show. And I had the best evening for such a long time, falling asleep with Harry was a great decision.

''Harry?'' I mumbled softly, asking for him.

But there wasn't a reply from a different voice. I rubbed into my eyes, and turned around to be met with an empty side. I frowned, and I pushed the duvets off me slowly. There was literally nothing from Harry laying in this room, I needed to look in the living room then.

Maybe he was making breakfast? Mmm, that would be lovely.

I realized I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday evening, but I could care less right now. I walked to the living room - which was connected with my kitchen - but there was no one else. I wandered around, and then I looked at the heating where no clothes were laying on.

He was just gone.

Of course he wouldn't stay the morning, because it's Harry. I grabbed a few slices of bread, and I got some peanut butter. I was making my breakfast quickly. I was a bit pissed at Harry for just leaving me alone at home. I thought he wanted to stay so badly.

I went to the Moulin Rouge, since I was all dressed up and ready to go. Music was on while I was driving to work, and I realized I had to work at V's Café tonight as well. I could use a bit of Kent tonight, because I missed him and our talks.

I parked the car in front of the building, and stepped outside. I entered the Moulin Rouge, and I already saw a few people warming up. I decided to see Harry first, since I really wanted to invite him to come over to the rehearsals and see how everything looked like.

I knocked a few times on his door, and entered his office.

''Hey pervert,'' I greeted Harry.

''I was more going for the sex God today,'' Harry announced cheekily as he turned around.

''Do you want to come to the rehearsals?'' I asked Harry excitedly.

A smile appeared on his face, and he placed a kiss on my cheek. ''Sounds fun, I will be there.'' He assured me.

''Lovely,'' I chirped. ''We have been working on it for just a day, but I am so excited to see them dancing our routine. I hope you like it as well, because it's a big deal. . . obviously.'' I stated when I stripped my yoga pants down.

''Why are you taking your clothes off in my office right in front of me?'' Harry asked me suddenly.

I looked at my yoga pants, which I was holding, and back at Harry.

''Because I need to train too,'' I stated.

Harry flexed his muscles, and I laughed at his movements. ''I am a great personal trainer, did you know that?''

''I would prefer to escape your training for a while,'' I announced while holding my hands up in defence.

''You would like my work-out session, a lot.'' Harry told me with a smirk.

I laughed at him, and walked closer. ''Tell me about your work-out session then,'' I instructed him.

''Well,'' Harry started. ''First we are going to wear a few pieces of clothes, because you will sweat a lot. Then we are going to start with some simple push-ups, and you will do them on top of me. Because if you give up and fall, you fall on something soft.'' He winked.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now