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Vicky West

A date? Or a get-together? Maybe it was just a small thank you, because I took a little bit care of him? Or it was something to please me for once, since I was nice?

I didn't need to panic about all of this. What mattered was; I was having coffee, apple pie, a walk in the park and a small drive with the Bentley. . .if Harry didn't take me to the middle of nowhere.

I was standing in my room, and repeatedly picking new clothes to hold in front of myself while I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I did not know what was suitable for an afternoon with Harry.

God I was going out with Harry.

My boss. . .how wonderful.

After all, it was just a thank you. It was no date, and that would be totally wrong since he was my boss. And it was stupid to even think he would take me on a date, since he was going from one woman to another.

I had like nothing to wear. I didn't want to be overdressed, and I didn't know whether I would still like this outfit when I would see him. Maybe he doesn't want to be seen with someone like me in a dress?

So I took a soft pink jumpsuit, with heels underneath it. It was simple, yet elegant for an afternoon. My make-up was easy, and I didn't want to do anything special with my hair. I sprayed some perfume against my neck, and grabbed supplies for in my small purse.

A few knocks were heard on the door, and I took a deep breath. Harry had arrived, and I wondered how he looked like. I unlocked the front door, and was met with attractive emerald eyes. A smile was on his lips, and it may sound so weird to admit. . . but if he had a normal personality, I wouldn't mind to seriously date him.

"Done with checking me out from head to toe?" Harry asked me with a pleasant smirk on his face.

"Whatever," I scoffed, and closed the door behind myself. "You better have chosen some great café or restaurant, because I want quality Mr. Styles."

"Sure Miss West, I only deliver quality." Harry said with a teasing tone. I knew that he was referring to something different that could deliver the same quality.

Harry wore a pair of dark blue jeans, and a white t-shirt with a flannel. A pair of sunglasses was on his head, and we both walked to his car. I was excited to see his beautiful car, and I slightly regret that I didn't tell him that he should give me his car.

The drive wasn't so long, and I was happy with that. I was never the kind of person who adored to drive for hours straight in a car. Music was blasting through the speakers, and I was happily singing along.

Rushing in a small town, I forgot to call you.

Harry had a great music taste after all.

''I thought you never listened to these kind of songs,'' I pointed out seriously.

''I have Ride on my phone too, so don't speak too soon.'' Harry informed me, and I chuckled.

''Can I put a song on from your library?'' I questioned Harry.

His left hand was holding the steering wheel, and he handed me his phone with his right. He quickly unlocked his phone, so that I was able to search for a new song to play. I used my thumb to scroll down the play-list, and it occupied me to see the songs in his play-list.

''You got the song!'' I squealed surprisingly. I never thought he was having this one.

''Which song?'' Harry asked in panic, because of my sudden excitement.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now