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Vicky West

"How was the audition, Vick?"

"Awful," I hissed annoyingly.
I never thought just one single audition could make me hate people so much. I still loved Moulin Rouge, I did. I just hated the fact that some cocky human beings were delivering work over there.

I always thought it would be filled with wonderful people there who had a passion for their work, like I did. However, everything became clearer when I did audition.

It may sounded harsh; I expected more but I got less. I knew life could often let you down – everyone of us has witness disappointments. Yet, I couldn't phantom the thought of Moulin Rouge being different than I expected it to be.

''You failed?'' Clarity asked me in shock.

''That's the point, I don't know.'' I told her irritably. ''I performed everything perfectly, but I just heard nothing from the judges. They didn't say; well this could better or you did a great job. They just dismissed me like I was a piece of trash. And then when I came back home, I got a call a couple of hours later. I don't know who called, but this person wants me to be there at three p.m.''

''Today?'' she questioned me.

''Yes,'' I told her. ''I just don't know what I should expect.''

''You remember that time I saw you dancing and singing in the café?'' Clarity asked me. I nodded my head, and felt my cheeks turning red. It was a very awkward moment when I realised Clarity was watching me from the kitchen. I didn't know she needed to work at that time. ''You were wicked, and I really loved the whole performance. They cannot let you go. You're unique.''

I tugged some pieces of my black hair behind my ear. I'd always been the type of person who couldn't properly reply to someone when I got a compliment. So I muttered a ''Thank you,'' before I went back to work. I walked to the cashier where Veronica was waiting on me to get the tray with drinks for table four.

I brought the order to the table and informed them that if they wanted to have the menu, they could call one of the waiters for it. I looked over at the clock hanging above the milkshake machine and realised I was almost done with work. At this point, I didn't really know if I preferred ever working at Moulin Rouge or at V's café.

''Tomorrow, you start at nine a.m.,'' Veronica informed me. Sighing, I tossed my apron in the laundry basket. The only thing I needed to do now was grab some lunch and head to the Empire. I waved Veronica goodbye, making it clear I would make it into work easily at nine. This was the only job that made sure I could pay my rent, so I couldn't afford to lose it.

When I got home, I slammed the door open and ran straight to my bedroom. I shoved the closet open to pick a decent outfit out of it. I wouldn't be able to make sure that I looked my best, since there was only a short amount of time until I was supposed to be there. So I stripped down my work clothes, and slipped my ripped blue overalls, black bra, and some short black boots. Maybe I didn't look very formal, but at least I looked cute.

Besides that, I often feel uncomfortable in dresses.

I got into my Mini-Cooper and drove away from my house, almost crashing into a small workers truck amidst my hurry. He shook his fist at me as I speed passed and all I could offer him was a curtsey wave before turning the next corner.

Feeling my stomach rumbling, I told myself that I could easily put some food inside my mouth soon, since I was driving to the club. But when I arrived there, it was absolutely empty. The only thing that made it seem a bit alive, was the name board, shining neon and vibrant in the mid-afternoon sun. There was seriously no one here, expect from some old hobo sitting on the sidewalk at the opposite of Moulin Rouge.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now