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Vicky West

I grabbed a fresh apron, and tugged it around my body. When I arrived back home, I had a quick shower and that is it. I was hungry, annoyed and thirsty. Veronica was luckily nowhere to be seen, because she would have asked me tons of questions about why I wasn't smiling. Well, because I got put in the fucking wrong group.

I asked if table 9 wanted to order, but they were not finished with deciding what they wanted. That didn't bother me a lot, I got some free time. After 5 o'clock, everything turned out to be better. There wouldn't be many people coming down to V's café. Mostly because everyone started to get some dinner back at home, and we didn't serve warm meals in the evening.

''Pouting makes you get wrinkles earlier,'' I heard a male voice say behind me.

''Not now Kent,'' I told him. I turned around and leaned with my elbows on the counter. He stood there, being very cute in his apron, while he looked at me. The café was getting emptier by the time, and I was happy at least one person could join me. But that didn't mean I was searching for a bit interaction.

''Tell me what happened, Vicks.'' He encouraged me.

''I am not in the mood,'' I whined.

''That is bad for you, because I want to hear it. And you are just going to tell me about what has happened earlier.'' Kent made me clear. He pushed his short blonde hair back, and leaned this time, like me, with his elbows on the counter.

''Well,'' I huffed. ''You know that the Moulin Rouge club had an audition day two days ago?'' He nodded with his head. ''I applied myself to do audition, so I did. That same evening I got a call from the boss himself, demanding me to come at 3 p.m. yesterday to the club. Then everything went quickly. Let's just say; he is an asshole and is manipulating me.'' I explained.

''How?'' He asked.

I scratched the back of my neck. ''No one informed me about the performance we needed to make for this morning. So I was standing there with no clue, and I needed to dance within 30 minutes. Luckily I performed really good, but he wanted to get in my pants when I was walking around. But he doesn't understood things didn't work like that. So he said I was going to regret it, and he made me understudy.'' I breathed out

''Holy shit,''

''Same,'' I pointed out.

''I knew Harry Styles was a dick, but this makes everything much more understandable why he is in fact; still a dick.'' I laughed at Kent's words. I went behind the counter, and purchased a milkshake from my own money. I was craving for something in my stomach, and this was all I could get right now. ''He really needs to create some manners.''

''I bet he is different with more important people around him,'' I said.

''Of course, because he is a business man. However, he should just act decent towards you. He can't get away with this."  Kent informed me seriously. 

''He can get away with anything. He would always make his way out of it by giving someone a huge sum of money.''

I drank the milkshake that I had made. Kent sat on the counter, and I saw some other employees helping the last customers. I looked over at the clock, and it was still a long time until I could finally take a bath and sleep afterward. I was exhausted by everything today. So many mind games, that I could hardly play along.

''You really need to make this man clear he cannot use your body whenever he wants it,'' I locked eyes with Kent again, and I saw him being dead serious about this. ''He has no rights to treat you like that, Vicks'' He started to tell me. I nodded with my head in agreement. It was my body, not his.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now