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Harry Styles

I knew the rough drive back to my house was taking its toll on her body. My left hand was gripping the steering wheel, and my right hand was holding Vicky's hand. Her eyes were closed as she laid her broken body against the seat, and I wish I knew who could have done that to her. For now it was top priority to get Vicky back to my house, and get her cleaned up.

I shut the engine down, and quickly made my way around to Vicky's side; opening the door to pull her out. I placed some stray pieces of hair behind her ear, and turned her face carefully towards mine. She was sleeping, and I hated to do it, but I needed to wake her up.

''Vicks,'' I said while stroking her cheeks with my thumbs. ''Darling,'' I breathed out.

I saw her squeeze her eyes shut tightly before opening them. I smiled when I saw that she was awake. ''I am going to get you inside, and clean you up.'' I informed her softly. She nodded her head, but I could see that she was in pain with just that simple movement.

Vicky told me that she wanted to walk to the house herself, but I wasn't in the mood to conform with her ridiculous suggestions. I picked her up carefully, and brought her inside. I laid Vicky down on my bed, and flicked the lights on to brighten the room. Vicky's eyes were open wider now, and I was happy that she hadn't felt the urge to sleep now that she was laying in my bed. I needed to get her wound cleaned up before she got any bacteria in it; something that might cause an infection.

I got the first aid kit from the kitchen, and hurried back to the bedroom. When I looked inside, Vicky was still laying on the bed just looking at her shoes. As I stood there, at the threshold to my bedroom, my heart ached just watching her. I knew that Vicky was very self-assured, but after what had happened, she just broke. She looked fragile, and insecure. I walked into the room, and she lifted her head as soon as she saw me.

''We need to clean you up,'' I announced when I sat on my knees in front of her. I took the fabric from her shirt between my fingertips, and I rolled it up gently. When my finger came in contact with her bruised skin, Vicky flinched a bit. ''It is going to be okay,'' I assured her, and I could see a glimmer of pain in her eyes when she looked at me. The pain coursing through her body was making her severely uncomfortable and unwilling, but there was no other option. I needed to clean out her wound, because no one else would do it.

''You're doing perfect, Vicks.'' I whispered softly.

I brought her shirt over her face, and I slipped it from her arms. I leaned down to her shoes, and took her black boots off her feet. I placed her socks in her shoes, and I stood up. I moved closer to Vicky, and I placed my hand on her back. ''I want you to lay down slowly,'' I informed Vicky.

She wasn't holding herself back when I softly lowered her to the mattress. I could see where the blood was coming from; her side. I unbuttoned her skinny jeans, and I was able to pull them from her legs. It was hard, since she wore jeans that stuck tightly around her legs.

I bend over Vicky, seeing that her eyes were closed. I sat on the edge of the bed, and placed my chilled hand on her exposed stomach that raised up and down vehemently. When my hand came in contact with her burning skin, her eyes snapped open. A smile appeared on my face when she was awake again; I knew she was tired, and that her body longed for sleep, but I couldn't allow her to fall asleep right now.

My eyes travelled down to her side, leaning closer I saw that there was shards of glass still stuck in her skin. A heavy sigh left my lips, finally realizing what made the pain more intense every time she moved. I grabbed the first aid kit, and searched for something - anything - that could help me remove the glass. When I found what I needed, I was uncharacteristically fast with removing the glass from her precious body. I could see it in her facial expressions that Vicky wasn't enjoying this at all, but it needed to be done.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now