I'm Always Here [evanstan]

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"Chris! Chris! Chris, wake up!"

Sebastian sighed as he sat up in bed shaking Chris from side to side, trying to get him to wake up. He had been trying to wake Chris up for thirty minutes, and still couldn't get him to. It was almost four in the morning and Sebastian didn't know why he was up, but he figured that if he was up, Chris should be too.

"It's the middle of the night, Seb!" Chris mumbled before grabbing the pillow and laying it over his face. "I don't want to!"

Sebastian sighed and tried to pry the pillow from Chris' hands. Who, for being a sleep, had an amazingly strong grip. But nevertheless, he kept trying to wake Chris up. When he realized that Chris wasn't letting go of the pillow he began to poke him in the arm, which made Chris grunt, but not wake up.

"Chris! Chris!" Sebastian kept poking. "I'm not going to stop until you wake up!"

Chris again, grunted. But after a few more seconds of poking, Sebastian stopped when he heard the faint sound of Chris' laughter. And a few more seconds after that, Chris had removed the pillow from off his face and was smiling up at Sebastian.

"Hey, you're up!" Sebastian laid back down in the bed on Chris' chest, which prompted him to drape his arm around Sebastian's shoulder.

Chris laughed, "yeah, wonder why?"

Sebastian shook his head before leaning up and moving to where he could press his lips against Chris'. The kiss wasn't very long seeing as Sebastian pulled away only to find his way back to resting on Chris' chest.

"So, why are you up at..." Chris managed to get out before yawning and looking over at the alarm clock on the nightstand, "four in the morning?"

Although it was really dark in their bedroom, Chris could feel Sebastian shrug against his chest.

Chris sighed and held Sebastian tighter, "can't sleep again?"

"No, I can't. And I'm sorry I woke you, but I didn't feel like being up by myself."

"It's okay," Chris said reassuringly, "I'm always here for you, babe."

Sebastian smiled to himself, thankful that he had someone like Chris. And for a while they just laid there together, with Sebastian checking that Chris was still up every few seconds only to find out that he was every time. It was nearing five 'o'clock when Chris broke the silence that had fell over the room, wondering why Sebastian hadn't spoke in the last twenty minutes.

"Seb?" He whispered, but got no reply.

It turns out that Sebastian had fell asleep laying on Chris' chest. Chris let out a small laugh before rolling Sebastian over, careful not to wake him up, and wrapping his arm around him.

"Night, Sebby."

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