I Love You [stucky]

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[Pre-serum Steve Rogers] [1940s Stucky]

  Steve was drunk, and Bucky had to carry him up three flights of stairs to their shared apartment because he could barely stand on his own two legs. It wasn't like Steve to have more than one drink when him and Bucky visited the local pub, but that night Steve had drunk three more than usual. And Bucky would've been lying if he said that he hadn't noticed something had been up with Steve before they headed off, but he figured that Steve was just stressed from working all week like Bucky himself. That is why they go to the pub on Friday night after all. But either way, Steve had drunk more than usual and now Bucky was finding it difficult to hold Steve up while he searched for their apartment key in his pocket.

"Stevie, help me out here. I gotta unlock the door!" Bucky grunted, still struggling to help Steve keep his balance.

Steve laughed, "It's okay, Buck! I can stand! I can stand!"

Steve moved from Bucky's grasp, and stood up for just a second before falling on the floor. Bucky gasped, and went to help Steve get up from the ground but stopped when Steve started to laugh again.

"I'm okay! I'm okay!"

Bucky just sighed before finally pulling the apartment key out of his pocket and unlocking their front door. He then looked over at Steve who was currently attempting to stand back up, but was failing miserably.

Bucky held out his hand for Steve to grab, "c'mon, Stevie. Let's get you to bed."

Steve reached out, grabbed Bucky's hand, and happily followed him inside. Once they had walked into their apartment, Steve again moved from Bucky's grasp only to fall onto their piece-of-crap couch.

"Seriously, Steve? You need to go to bed."

Steve let out a whine and shook his head. Bucky rolled his eyes, and moved to hold Steve's legs up long enough for him to sit down on the couch, then let go of them causing his legs to fall across his lap. This encouraged Steve to look up at Bucky and smile. Bucky saw Steve's smile and felt his heart skip a beat, he also saw that Steve was reluctant to look away from him and quickly found something to say to break the silence.

"You are never drinking again, you got that?" Bucky remarked, stretching his arm to ruffle Steve's hair.

Steve laughed for the umpteenth time that night, "you can't tell me what to do, Buck!"

"Maybe, but next time don't expect me to carry your ass home."

"Please! You love me too much to leave my ass anywhere."

He was right. Bucky did love him too much. Probably loved him much more than Steve even knew. Especially right now in this moment, with Steve's hair a mess (which was sort of his doing but not the point), his eyes a darker shade of blue, and his perfect pink lips in the shape of a smile. Who wouldn't be in love with this man?

Not really knowing how to reply, Bucky attempted to get Steve to go to bed again.

"Okay, Stevie! Time for bed!" Bucky went to stand-up before Steve stopped him with his legs.

"No! I can't go to bed!"

Bucky sighed again, "why can't you go to bed, Steve?"

"I need to tell you something!"

Bucky watched as Steve sat up, his legs still laying across Bucky's lap. He then felt his heart start pounding, what was Steve getting at? Nevertheless, he asked Steve what he needed to tell him.

"What do you need to tell me?"

Steve smirked before moving to whisper something in Bucky's ear, "I-I love you..."

Bucky's face turned a light shade of red as he heard the words Steve spoke. Did Steve really love him? Or was Steve just so hammered he was out of his mind? Bucky decided to just let it go and abruptly stood up from off the couch moving Steve's legs in the process.

"I'm going to bed, Steve. You can sleep on the couch if you want," Bucky said while his mind was racing.

"Wait!" Steve quickly stood up from the couch and stumbled into Bucky's arms.

"What is it, Steve?" Bucky asked, not prepared for Steve's answer.

"I told you that I love you," Steve paused before looking up at Bucky, "do you love me?"

"Of course I love you, Steve! Now, I should really-"

"No, Buck! I love you, love you!" Steve interrupted, "that's why I was so weird tonight! It's just been so hard to do things with you because I have all these feelings for you! I know you probably think this is wrong but...I can't help the way I feel."

Bucky nodded letting Steve know that he heard what he had to say, and that he was thinking about what he should say next. He loved Steve too, but what would happen if he actually told him that? What if Steve didn't even remember this in the morning? Bucky thought. But then he realized that this may be the perfect time to tell Steve about his feelings, even though there was the possibility of Steve forgetting this whole moment.

"I love you, love you too, Stevie."

Bucky smiled before leaning down to kiss Steve on the lips. Steve kissed back right away, and wrapped his arms around Bucky's neck as Bucky's hands went to his waist. The kiss felt good, it felt right. Bucky had been wanting to kiss Steve Rogers for so long, and in this moment, he was. Bucky wanted this moment to never end, his arms around Steve's, his lips pressed against his, but Steve pulled away needing air.

"That was...amazing..." Steve panted.

Bucky let out a breath, "yeah, it was."

Steve smiled one more time before resting his head on Bucky's shoulder and closing his eyes.

"You finally want to go to bed now?" Bucky asked, laughing a little.

A sly smile formed on Steve's lips, "only if you're coming with me."

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