Sick [evanstan]

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Sebastian sighed as he heard a loud crash come from the bedroom and quickly got up from the couch to go check on his boyfriend, Chris, who had been running a slight fever ever since last night and had woke up with a temperature of a hundred that morning. Chris had been coughing and had a stuffy nose which made it obvious that he was sick with a cold, and with some rest he would eventually be back to his old self. The problem was, Chris was super stubborn. Every time Sebastian got him to lay down, he would get right back up claiming that he was fine when it was plain to see that he wasn't. Sebastian figured the crash was probably the result of another one of Chris' attempts to get up out of the bed, and he was right. When Sebastian walked into their bedroom, he saw that Chris had fallen on the floor and accidentally knocked the lamp off the nightstand on his side of the bed.

"Chris, seriously? I just got you back into bed." Sebastian walked over to Chris and helped him off the floor and onto the bed, "why can't you just get some rest?"

"Because I'm fine, Seb. I don't need anymore rest..." Chris trailed off before moving to try and get up again.

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Chris, please just lie down. The more rest you get, the faster you'll feel better."

"I already feel better!"

Sebastian looked at Chris, his nose was red from where he had been rubbing it and he looked tired, there was no way he was feeling better. So why wouldn't he just lay down and get some rest?

"It's almost time to take your medicine again, at least just lay down until then. Can you do that for me, babe?"

Chris sniffled before nodding, "I can do that."

Sebastian let out a sigh of relief and turned to pick up the lamp that had fallen onto the floor. Then moved to go back to the living room before he heard Chris mutter something he couldn't make out.

"You say something, babe?"

"Stay in here..." Chris mumbled, "with me?"

Sebastian smiled, "of course I'll stay in here with you."

Sebastian walked back to the bed and laid down beside Chris, who immediately snuggled up against him.

"Sorry I was being so difficult," Chris managed to say before sniffling again. "I just hate that you're having to take care of me."

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked confused.

Chris sighed, "it's just, I feel like a burden."

"Chris, I like taking care of you. You're my boyfriend, you're not a burden." Sebastian let out a small laugh, "is that why you've been acting more stubborn than usual this morning?"

"I haven't been that bad!" Chris huffed.

Sebastian let out another laugh and put his arm around Chris, prompting a sleepy smile to appear on Chris' face as he held onto Sebastian tighter and softly said, "I love you."

"I love you too," Sebastian placed a kiss on Chris' forehead and held him until he fell asleep, finally getting some rest.

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