Chapter 4: A Strange Visitor

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Chloe Bourgeois

To one Chloe Bourgeois the future had always been an incredibly clear path. It was destined from birth that she should marry her childhood friend (that would be Adrien Agreste for those out of the loop); and be a fabulous and famous wife to a fabulous and famous man. She was made for it. Besides, why wouldn't she have fallen for Adrikins? He was the only one who gave her any real attention or affection.

Sure, her Daddy would spoil her rotten, and get her whatever she wanted. That was because he felt guilty for not actually taking the time to care about her though. It was because he knew she could throw a fit if he didn't and ruin his precious reputation as Mayor. It wasn't because he really cared.

And her mother had walked out a long time ago. There was no way anyone could even try to argue that she cared. Puh-lease. That woman was more spoiled than Chloe would ever be. Why had she ever had a child in th first place if she couldn't love her!

Jean Luc only stuck around and tolerated her because he was paid to. Sure, he acted like he cared. Sometimes he almost fooled her into believing it. Like when he helped her through the party to try and become a better person. But she knew better...without her Daddy's money Jean Claude would run in a second.

And Sabrina was only her friend because she bribed her into it. The redhead had illustrated her lack of loyalty on more than one occasion. Running off to be Marinette's best friend as soon as it looked like a better option. Tormenting Choe as an invisible monster. Ugh...why did the rich girl even put up with her? Oh...right...because she had no one else.

For all her boasting about being loved, Chloe knew the truth was quite the opposite. And that was why she had always set her heart on Adrien. That boy was too sweet for his own good. He had a good heart, she knew it. But it didn't seem like he befriended her out of pity. He was really her friend. And the fact he hadn't abandoned her after seeing the monster she had become only made him more precious. She didn't have to promise him a thing...well, not until her cruelty finally became too much for him.

He wanted her to be more kind; and she wished she could comply. She just wasn't entirely sure how this kindness worked.

All these thoughts passed through her head as she watched him at his locker with his friend Nino. She should let them be. She knew that; but jealousy over his growing attachment to people other than her reared its ugly head again and Chloe zipped towards the boys.

"Adrikins!" Her voice rang out like a bell as she laughed and clung onto him. Chloe realized he had been caught off guard and was stumbling, so she corrected her balance, and pulled him upright, "Good Morning!"

Tugging on the arm she had latched around she pulled him after her, "Come on, we don't want to be late!"

"H-hey, Chloe, wait!" She heard his protests, but ignored them, smiling as she tugged him forward. She had to act cheerful, or all her lonely pain would pour out.

"That's just wrong..." She heard Nino judging her actions behind them.

"You too, Lahiffe, c'mon!" Chloe's eyes were narrowed in hurt and anger at her wounded pride; her voice coming out harsher than intended as she offered a friendly invitation that he should join Adrien and her for their pre-class chat.

"Huh?" Nino blinked, not sure just what to think of Chloe's words. He was sure, though, that Alya would kill him for fraternizing with the enemy, "No thanks, man. Sorry,'re on your own."

He split off when they got to the classroom, plopping into his seat in front of Alya and twisting to talk to her, "Hey. Adrien's been Chloe-napped...poor dude."

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