Chapter 10: Weird Pretenses

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Author's Note

So, I may have mentioned in the last note (can't recall) that I had recently watched English dubbed versions of several more episodes on Youtube. Yay me! Now since my story has officially broken canon after Capt. Hardrock, I'm trying to decide if I should attempt to work the Akumatized Villains from those episodes into my story in alternate ways. (dudes...Ananzi and Troublemaker? Awesome.)


Alya Cesaire


Alya had felt a little guilty dashing off and leaving Nino all worried about her like that. Only a little, because come on, she was about to go hero and kick butt. Still, the boy was scared for her safety it was kind of sweet in an over protective way. She just hoped he didn't get his dumb self in danger.

Phone in hand as though she was about to catch a scoop for the Ladyblog, Alya ran down the closest alley and ducked out of sight behind a dumpster (it's a dirty job, being a Hero).

"Trixx," The little Kwami flitted from her ombre locks where it had hidden away, "You ready?"

"Just say the word," The tiny Fox nodded.

"Trixx," Alya smirked, "Let's pounce!"

A brilliant light overtook her as her outfit transformed, and moments later she was Rena Rouge, the red fox.

A agile leap had her roof bound, and it didn't take long for her to see exactly what was happening. Some brat with a temper tantrum was turning people invisible. Dashing forward across the rooftops of Paris, she seemed to be the first on the scene. Her years of experience watching her kid sisters gave her the perfect opening line, "Looks like someone needs a time out."

An unfamiliar hero was suddenly standing right next to her as he quipped in return, "Well, they say children act out to get attention. Le Paon Mystique, I'm guessing your Rena Rouge..."

A few buildings over Ladybug called out to them, "You guys met already. Good."

"Hey! Stupid heroes! Stop sitting around and fight!" The kid below shouted at them before Rena could respond to Ladybug. He fired off the invisiray, but it went wide as Chat Noir tackled the boy to the ground.

"M'lady, Rena, and Birdy! Guess I'm late to the show!" He put two fingers to his forehead in salute, "Well, can't stick around to babysit, sorry. I've got an errand to run. You understand, right M'lady"

It would seem that Ladybug knew exactly what the cat was talking about, as she nodded and the blond hero gave the trio of allies time to fall into fighting stances before he raced off.

As soon as Invisitor was free he screamed in wrath, and jumped to his feet, "You cheaters! Let's see you gang up on me when you can't even see each other!"

Three shots of his laser blasted right towards the rooftop, and the heroes scattered.

"You're on the run now!" The boy laughed, a mask lighting on his face as he fell into a silent sulk a moment. Lady bug had seen it often enough to know Hawkmoth was communicating with his Akuma, reminding them about the miraculous. Like any child the boy griped, "I know, I knowww! I've got this!"

While Rena had taken cover in a nearby tree; Mystique ducked behind a raised section of roof a couple buildings over. Ladybug tossed out her yoyo, looping it around a fire escape across the street and swinging away to land there

"Grr, you stupid...stupids!" Invisitor shouted, pointing the lazer at Rena first and blasting away. She leapt away spinning to avoid the beam.

"Clever," She quipped, "Please tell me you aren't skipping language arts for this tantrum."

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