'the new years kiss'

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* New Year's Day January 2012..

"5...4...3...2...1..0!" It's New Year's Day!

Boom! Bang! Pow! Bright, vibrant colours started to explode into the sky leaving all of my collage friends dazzled in excitement for what 2012 had in store for us.

Everyone at the party was stood outside in the
5 degree cold winter night clinking cups, cheering and doing a few shots while listening to the screaming fireworks above our heads.

Every December 31st our collage held a massive new year party, but it really was no different from any other normal collage party. You've got the usual kissing, people loosing their virginity, drinking, shitty music and those intimidating popular girls who sit there in tiny little mini skirts snogging the hunks on the sofa.

There was only one thing different about new year.. and that was the New Years kiss. Everyone had someone to kiss, wether it was your boyfriend, best friend, fuckbud or even your lecturer- no one was left out. That's why I love our collage. It's so special special. No one is left out.

Last year was my first New Years kiss. This year I knew it was going to be even perfecter.

James stared at the reflection of the bursting explosions through my ocean-emerald eyes holding my little waist close to his very manly body.

I met James on the first day of collage. It was like love at first sight. His beautiful golden hair, his hot muscles, his gorgeous blue eyes, it's almost as if fate bought us together...


James and I met while I was very lost. I was rushing around campus trying to find my class when he bumped into me. He made no effort to help me pick my books up so I walked away with a foul look on my face. Later that day, in my geography class, james ended up sitting behind me. He sent me a note apologising for earlier and asked if I'd go for coffee with him.

After 15 mins of thinking about wether I should go or not, I finally decided that I'd give him a chance, so I replied with a note saying.. 'hmm.. sure;), but you're buying the coffee' . It all went from that date.

James and I didn't spend the first moments of 2012 kissing, but just wrapping our arms around eachother... Feeling his heartbeat against my cheek made me feel so safe to be with him.

"Happy new year baby," James whispered into my ear and pulling me in for a kiss. His lips on mine sent shivers down my spine. Those 10 passionate seconds made me wonder how amazing this year is going to be.

Feeling the kiss ending, I pull away from him and whisper back "happy new year James Mcvey.. ch.."

"CHEERS TO WHATEVER MAY COME IN 2012!" Shouted a drunken partier that looked too old to even go to our collage.. "CHEERS TO THAT" everyone shouts back. 🥂

"Let's go back to my dorm Kirstie, I know my roommate is out tonight so we could go and celebrate the new year there?;)" james said sending a wink my way very swiftly.

"I'd love to handsome;)☺️" I reply.

All of a sudden James lifts me into his toned arms, carrying me back to the small 2 bedroom apartment he rents on campus. It wasn't too far from the party so it was just enough time for me to gaze at his strong muscles and cling onto his shoulders incase he drops me.

The walk was so sweet and innocent.. not like what I knew was about to happen. James and I had of course slept together before in our 2 years of being together, but it had never felt as exciting as this did.

Unlocking the door, I jump down from his chest and rip his top off revealing his hunky body before me.

"Are you sure you're ready for this baby" he asked me like a real gentleman should☺️

"Of course I am.. just be careful with me.. we've not done this since the pregnancy scare!" I told him in a sweet but serious way.

We walk through the boy typical messy flat, into james' room where his unmade bed and drawn curtains were waiting for us..

Kissing me passionately, he lay me down onto the bed with his hands on my thighs. "You ready baby..."....

The next morning...

Waking up in james' sheets was the best feeling I've ever felt! all I can remember from last night is that it was amazing... james is so incredible I thought to myself.

Rolling over, I stretch my arm out to wake James. "Morning sweetie😊" I say in a jolly tone, scruffling my hand around the bed to reach for his hand.

After not getting any answer I slowly open my eyes, almost being blinded by the bright morning light. 

Where's James?! Panicking with fear I reach for my phone.. what if he's been taken! What if he doesn't love me! What if he's with someone else... after 10 minuets, I finally get some replies..

Making my way down the path to dorm 13, I can't help but hope everything is ok with the 4 best friends

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Making my way down the path to dorm 13, I can't help but hope everything is ok with the 4 best friends..

Passing through the silent corridors slowly until i reach 13 I could feel my heart pumping faster and faster, hoping everything's okay with my boyfriend.

As I open the door I'm shocked at what I see! "SURPRISE!" They shout. It's Brad with a microphone.. connor on bass guitar.. tris on the drums and James with a guitar!

"What's going on guys?!"


A/N- Hey guys!! Hope you like the book so far! I'm new to wattpad so I'd really appreciate some tips or comments! Also, please share with people you think might enjoy the story! I will hopefully be updating every day. Thank you! - R xx

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