'i love you, please dont forget that'

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"We've finished the band!" James said, finding it quite hard to hide his excitement.
   "So Connor agreed to be the bands bassist?" I asked realising how big this could be for James and the other guys.
    "I sure did! When they asked me, I knew I couldn't turn this opportunity down! I think we're going to be something big one day. Isn't that right guys!" Said con with a massive grin on his face, showing off his shiny white teeth he was almost famous on campus for.
     "That's right!" Everyone shouted pouring a few cups of beer out for us to enjoy.
    "We'll just start off as a small band by posting YouTube videos and playing the local pubs and clubs, but hopefully one day we might get noticed and release a few songs for real!" Said Brad, trying to explain how hopeful the four boys are that they'll be huge one day.

We spent the rest of the day just celebrating the bands get together while watching the whole entire star wars movie series, eating pizza and playing lame boardgames while singing high school musical songs. It was so much fun, I didn't want the day to end.

While we were watching the movie on Connors dirty lounger, I snuggled my body into James arms, laying my head on his chest. His clothes smell so nice🤤 like that really nice man perfume they give you a tester of in boots. Every time a scary part of the film came onto the screen, james could see my eyes screw tight shut and he'd pull me in closer whispering "it's okay baby, I'm here" into my ear. James is so amazing ☺️ I love him so much.

Hopefully the band will bring us closer together and help us both have a wonderful career.

4 months later..



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3.30pm- I hear a knock at my door.. it must be james.

James and I haven't really talked very much over the last few weeks since the band got signed to a record label. I know what you're thinking.. 'Wow! It's pretty unlikely a collage band would get signed on so quickly!' . Yeah. That's what I thought too.

It was 3 weeks ago when the boys met joe. Joe just happened to be having a date down at the local mic night with his fiancé, where the boys were performing. He'd heard of the boys from YouTube, but had never seen them live before. He was amazed by their high level of talent and the strong bond the guys had, so he arranged for them to meet with him for lunch a few days later. That's when he offered the record deal to them. And of course they said yes.

Now they're always at the recording studio.. skipping class.. skipping parties.. even my birthday party! James was even too busy to send me a birthday text.. never mind give me a present.

I know you probably think I'm being a 'little selfish', but I need to get on with my life. I'm not sleeping at night, not eating and not concentrating on my acting/ modelling career. So that's why I've invited James over to 'talk'. I think I'm going to end us.

It's effecting my life. Missing him and worrying about him is ruining my collage grades! I shouldn't let my collage boyfriend ruin my life.

I open the door for James, and invite him to sit at the kitchen table next to me.
"So what did you want to talk about? Thank god you're okay, I've missed you so much babygirl!" He said as soon as his body touched the chair.
"No James. We need to be serious. This relationship really isn't going anywhere. I've not been myself lately because I'm not with you." I tried to hold back the tears, but I felt a small drop of water roll down my cheek.
"What are you saying kirstie? You're not going to break up with me are you?? We can work this out!" I can see he's about to cry too, but I have to stay strong and keep going. It's the best for the both of us.

"James, you've been so busy with the band and I can see this single is going to send you guys high up into fame. Your YouTube videos are getting thousands of views every day. You need to concentrate on the band. Maybe we should have some time apart." I can feel my hands shaking and I'm trying so hard to be strong.

"Kirstie please. Please don't do this to me! I love you! You know I've been busy! I'll make time for you.. I promise." He shouted, almost begging me to tell him this was all a joke.
"No james. We can't do this anymore. Maybe we could just have a break for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. I have to concentrate on getting auditions for acting and modelling for when I graduate collage." Saying these words were so hard for me. I loved James, but I had to do this. For both of our lives.

"Kirstie.. please.. we can make this work.." tears are now streaming down my face.. I have to end this now.

"Get our james. Get out. Don't text me. Best of luck to you and the boys in the future, but we can't be anymore."

I'd done it. I'd ended things for real. It's hurting so bad. I need to do this.

"No. I'm not letting you do this. You're just over reacting.. I'll call you later and it'll all be ok. Ok?" He was holding my hands looking me dead straight in the eye.
"No James. Leave me alone." I said in a strong, meaningful voice.

"Please kirstie, just call me later. I love you. Please don't forget. I love you. I always will." After that James left. He let himself out, leaving me crying.. heartbroken on the floor.

A/n- Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Please comment to let me know if you're reading! I'm really struggling to keep the determination to carry on writing as I'm not sure people are enjoying the story! Any tips would also help. Thanks - R x x

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